Using Program-Described WORKSTN Files

You can use a program-described WORKSTN file with or without a format name specified on the output specifications. The format name, if specified, refers to the name of a data description specifications record format. This record format describes:

If a format name is used, input and output specifications must be used to describe the input and output records.

You can specify PASS(*NOIND) on a file description specification for a program-described WORKSTN file. The PASS(*NOIND) keyword indicates that the RPG program will not additionally pass indicators to data management on output or receive them on input. It is your responsibility to pass indicators by describing them as fields (in the form *INxx, *IN, or *IN(x) ) in the input or output record. They must be specified in the sequence required by the data description specifications (DDS). You can use the DDS listing to determine this sequence.

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