Accessing Fields in Java Classes

RPG only supports calling Java™ methods; it does not support accessing Java fields. Normally, fields can be accessed through "get" and "set" methods, but it is also possible to access fields using JNI calls. Here is an example showing JNI calls necessary to access the fields of a Java class or object.

This example is intended to be an example of using the JNI. It is not intended to be a recommendation to access fields directly rather than using "get" and "set" methods.
Figure 99. Using JNI to Access Fields of Java Classes and Objects
 * This example shows how to use JNI to access the fields of a
 * class or an object.
 * This program creates a Rectangle object and accesses the
 * width and height variables directly, using JNI calls.
 * In this particular case, the getWidth(), getHeight,
 * setWidth() and setHeight() methods could have been used
 * to access these fields, avoiding the use of JNI calls.

 * JAVA classes and methods
D Rectangle       C                   'java.awt.Rectangle'
D NewRectangle    PR              O   EXTPROC(*JAVA
D                                           : Rectangle
D                                           : *CONSTRUCTOR)
D     x                         10I 0 VALUE
D     y                         10I 0 VALUE
D     width                     10I 0 VALUE
D     height                    10I 0 VALUE
 * Constants with ASCII representations of Java names
 * One way to determine these values is to use %UCS2 to convert
 * a character value to UCS-2, and display the result in hex
 * in the debugger.
 * The ASCII value is in every second byte of the UCS-2 characters.
 *     For example, %UCS2('abc') = X'006100620063'
 *                                     --  --  --
 *     The ASCII representation of 'abc' is X'616263'
D ASCII_I         C                   x'49'
D ASCII_x         C                   x'78'
D ASCII_y         C                   x'79'
D ASCII_width     C                   X'7769647468'
D ASCII_height    C                   X'686569676874'
 * Note that this is 'java/awt/Rectangle', not 'java.awt.Rectangle'
 * because the JNI uses slash as a separator. 
D ASCII_Rectangle...
D                 C                   X'6A6176612F6177742F52656-
D                                     374616E676C65'

 * Cancel handling
D EnableCanHdlr   PR                  EXTPROC('CEERTX')
D   Handler                       *   CONST PROCPTR
D   CommArea                      *   CONST OPTIONS(*OMIT)
D   Feedback                    12A   OPTIONS(*OMIT)
D CanHdlr         PR
D   CommArea                      *   CONST

 * Variables and procedures
D rect            s               O   CLASS(*JAVA : Rectangle)
D x               S             10I 0
D y               S             10I 0
D rectClass       S                   LIKE(jclass)
D fieldId         S                   LIKE(jfieldID)
D msg             S             52A
D Cleanup         PR

 * Enable the cancel handler to ensure cleanup is done
C                   CALLP     EnableCanHdlr (%PADDR(CanHdlr)
C                                          : *OMIT : *OMIT)

 * Create a new rectangle with x,y co-ordinates (5, 15),
 * width 100 and height 200.
C                   EVAL      rect = NewRectangle (5 : 15 : 100 : 200)

 * Prepare to call JNI functions to access the Rectangle's fields
C                   EVAL      JNIEnv_P = getJniEnv ()
C                   EVAL      rectClass = FindClass (JNIEnv_P
C                                                  : ASCII_Rectangle)
 * Call JNI functions to retrieve the Rectangle's width and height
C                   eval      fieldId = GetFieldID (JNIEnv_P
C                                                 : rectClass
C                                                 : ASCII_width
C                                                 : ASCII_I)
C                   eval      width = GetIntField (JNIEnv_P
C                                                 : rect
C                                                 : fieldId)
C                   eval      fieldId = GetFieldID (JNIEnv_P
C                                                 : rectClass
C                                                 : ASCII_height
C                                                 : ASCII_I)
C                   eval      height = GetIntField (JNIEnv_P
C                                                  : rect
C                                                  : fieldId)
C                   eval      msg = 'The rectangle has dimensions ('
C                                 + %trim(%editc(width : '1'))
C                                 + ', '
C                                 + %trim(%editc(height : '1'))
C                                 + ')'
C     msg           dsply

 * Call the Cleanup procedure
C                   callp     Cleanup()
C                   eval      *INLR = '1'

 * Cleanup. * - Free objects if necessary
P Cleanup         B
C                   if        rect <> *NULL and
C                             JNIEnv_P <> *NULL
C                   callp     DeleteLocalRef(JNIEnv_P : rect)
C                   endif
C                   eval      rect = *NULL
C                   eval      JNIEnv_P = *NULL
P Cleanup         E

 * Cancel handler.  Ensures that cleanup is done.
P CanHdlr         B
D CanHdlr         PI
D   CommArea                      *   CONST
C                   callp     Cleanup()
P CanHdlr         E

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