Describing the contents of your user auxiliary storage pools

To choose the correct procedure for recovering the information on your user auxiliary storage pools (ASPs)s, you must understand what they looked like before the failure.

Figure 1 shows an example of a user ASP configuration. This example is used throughout the explanations that follow. You might want to begin by drawing a similar picture of your configuration.

Figure 1. User ASP configuration before failure
An example of a user ASP configuration

In the example:

Before the failure, the receiver directory for the JRNA journal looks as follows:

                         Work with Receiver Directory
Journal  . . . . . . :   JRNA            Library  . . . . . . :   $JRNLA
Total size of receivers (in kolobytes). . . . . . . . . . . . :   155648
Type options, press Enter.
  4=Delete   8=Display attributes
                                     Attach                     Save
Opt  Receiver    Library     Number  Date      Status           Date
 _   RCVA0001    $JRNLA      00001   06/08/0x  SAVED            06/08/9x
 _   RCVA0002    $JRNLA      00002   06/09/0x  SAVED            06/09/9x
 _   RCVA0003    $JRNLA      00003   06/09/0x  ATTACHED         00/00/00