
The value of the Status field indicates if the profile is valid for sign-on. If the profile status is enabled, the profile is valid for sign-on. If the profile status is disabled, an authorized user has to enable the profile again to make it valid for sign-on.

Add User prompt:
Not shown
CL parameter:

You can use the CHGUSRPRF command to enable a profile that has been disabled. You must have *SECADM special authority and *OBJMGT and *USE authority to the profile to change its status. Enabling a user profile shows an example of an adopted authority program to allow a system operator to enable a profile.

The system can disable a profile after a certain number of incorrect password verification attempts with that profile, depending on the settings of the QMAXSIGN and QMAXSGNACN system values.

You can always sign on with the QSECOFR (security officer) profile at the console, even if the status of QSECOFR is *DISABLED. If the QSECOFR user profile becomes disabled, sign on as QSECOFR at the console and type CHGUSRPRF QSECOFR STATUS(*ENABLED).

Table 1. Possible values for STATUS:
*ENABLED The profile is valid for sign-on.
*DISABLED The profile is not valid for sign-on until an authorized user enables it again.
Recommendations: Set the status to *DISABLED if you want to prevent sign-on with a user profile. For example, you can disable the profile of a user who will be away from the business for an extended period.