Removing licensed program fixes

To remove one or more licensed program fixes, follow these steps.

  1. Enter the Remove Program Temporary Fix (RMVPTF) command and press F4 (Prompt).
  2. On the Remove Program Temporary Fix (RMVPTF) display, specify the licensed program for the Product (LICPGM) parameter.
  3. Select the fixes you want removed by doing one of the following:
    • Specify the numbers of the fixes you want to remove for the PTF numbers to select (SELECT) parameter or *ALL to remove all of them.
      Note: Specify RMVDEP(*YES) when specific fix numbers are entered on the SELECT parameter to ensure that dependents in the same product are also removed.
    • Specify *ALL for the PTF numbers to select (SELECT) field and the numbers of specific fixes you do not want to remove for the PTF numbers to omit (OMIT) parameter.
  4. Specify *TEMP for the Extent of change (APY) parameter to remove the fixes temporarily or *PERM to remove the fixes permanently.
  5. If you are removing immediate fixes, specify *NO for the Delayed PTFs (DELAYED) parameter.
  6. If you are identifying delayed or immediate fixes that are to be automatically removed during the next unattended IPL, specify *YES for the Delayed PTFs (DELAYED) parameter and *YES for the Remove on unattended IPL (IPLRMV) parameter.
  7. Press Enter.

To uninstall fixes for a product, go to the Management Central online help in System i® Navigator. Click Help from the menu bar and select Help Topics. Select What can I do with . . .? to find out what you can do and where you need to be in the System i Navigator window to make it happen.