Optical index information

Optical index information regarding which volumes are in a particular optical media library and which directories are on each volume is kept at different levels within the system.

Optical index files are used to enhance performance by eliminating the need to access the optical media library or physical media each time the location of a volume or directory is needed.

Failures, system upgrades, and physically moving optical library devices from one system to another can cause these index files to become out of synchronization with the actual contents of a particular optical media library or volume. When this happens, messages are sent indicating that the optical index needs to be reclaimed, such as OPT1245, OPT1825, or OPT1330. These messages direct you to run the Reclaim Optical (RCLOPT) command. The following topics describe the optical index files that are kept at the different levels of the system. An understanding of the different optical indexes is helpful when deciding which type of reclaim optical index to run.