Performance system values: Automatically adjust memory pools and activity levels

The Automatically adjust memory pools and activity levels system value is also known as QPFRADJ. You can use this system value to specify when to automatically adjust memory pools and activity levels.

Activity level refers to the maximum number of threads that can compete for memory and processor resources (maximum eligible threads at the same time).

Quick reference
Location From System i® Navigator, expand your system > Configuration and Service > System Values > Performance > Memory Pools.
Special authority None.
Default value At system restart and periodically after restart selected.
Changes take effect Immediately. (However, if At system restart is selected, you need to restart the system.)
Lockable No.
Special considerations If At System Restart is selected, no adjustments are made until you restart the system.

What can I do with this system value?

You can specify when to automatically adjust memory pools and activity levels. If you select to have the system adjust memory pool sizes and activity levels, you can specify that these adjustments occur at system restart (1), periodically after restart (2), or both (3). If you do not select system restart or periodically after restart, no automatic adjustment is done (0).