EDTWRD (Edit Word) keyword in printer files

If you cannot accomplish the required editing by using the EDTCDE keyword, specify an edit word instead.

An edit word specifies the form in which the field values are to print and clarifies the data by inserting characters, such as decimal points, commas, floating- and fixed-currency symbols, and credit balance indicators. Also use it to suppress leading zeros and to provide asterisk fill protection.

The format of the keyword is:

If you specify EDTWRD in a field previously defined in a database file, you need not specify EDTWRD for the field you are defining. Instead, specify R in column 29 to refer to the previously defined field. The editing specified for the referenced field is then included in the printer file. If, however, you specify length, data type, or decimal positions for a printer file field, editing specified for the referenced field is not included in the printer file, and you must specify editing in the printer file.


The following example shows how to specify the EDTWRD keyword.

00010A            CRYCST         7  2   5  2EDTWRD('    $0.  ')

Figure 1 shows sample edit words with the program value of the field and the printed value of the field (as edited).

Figure 1. Sample edit words
Sample edit words