SFLMSGKEY (Subfile Message Key) keyword for display files

You use this field-level keyword on the first field in the subfile record format for a message subfile (with Subfile (SFL) and Subfile Message Record (SFLMSGRCD) keywords specified).

The SFLMSGKEY keyword is not valid on the subfile-control record format (SFLCTL). To select messages from a program message queue for display, your program places a message reference key in this field. Your program also places the name of the program message queue in the second field in the subfile record format.

This keyword has no parameters.

This field is predefined as a four-position, character data type, hidden field. The following rules apply:
  • This field must always be the first field defined in the subfile record format.
  • The field name and SFLMSGKEY are the only DDS you can specify for this field.

Option indicators are not valid for this keyword or with the associated field.

For more information about building and displaying message subfiles, see SFLPGMQ (Subfile Program Message Queue) keyword for display files.


The following example shows how to specify the SFLMSGKEY keyword.

00010A          R RCDMSG                    SFL SFLMSGRCD(3)
00020A            FLDKEY                    SFLMSGKEY
00030A            FLDPGM                    SFLPGMQ
00040A          R SFLCTL                    SFLCTL(RCDMSG)
00050A  01                                  SFLINZ
00060A                                      SFLPAG(17)
00070A                                      SFLSIZ(17)
00080A                                      SFLDSP SFLDSPCTL
00090A            FLDPGM                    SFLPGMQ