MOUBTN (Mouse Buttons) keyword for display files

You use this file-level or record-level keyword to associate a Command key or EVENT-ID parameter with one or two pointer-device events.

When a specified pointer device single event is performed and no other function has a higher priority, the keyboard is locked, the cursor is moved to the pointer device cursor location, and the specified Command key or EVENT-ID is returned to the application. If the Command key or EVENT-ID normally results in entry field data validation, the data validation is performed first. If the specified Command key or EVENT-ID normally returns entry field data, inbound entry field data is included.

For pointer device double events, inbound data is not returned until the trailing edge event also occurs. When the leading edge event is detected, a programmable-two-event state is entered, a marker box is drawn around the location of the pointer device cursor (4 blue lines around the character), the pointer device cursor color is changed to white on a color nonprogrammable workstations (NWS) and the trailing edge event is looked for. Keystrokes and host data streams will cancel the programmable-two-event state. Some pointer device events are ignored while waiting for the trailing edge event. When the trailing edge event is received, the marker box is erased, the pointer device cursor color is changed to input inhibited, then keyboard is locked, the text cursor is moved to the location of the pointer device cursor, and the inbound data is returned to the host.

Note: Although it is permitted, it is not be advisable to program some combinations of pointer device events on the same mouse button and shift state. For example, if the right button is programmed, right button double click should not be programmed because it cannot be detected due to the keyboard being locked from the right button pressed event. Using the *QUEUE parameter will allow the application to handle this situation.
The format of this keyword is:

The EVENT parameter is required and indicates the pointer device event that will be associated with the Command key or EVENT-ID parameter. Valid values for the EVENT parameter are:

Unshifted Left button Pressed
Unshifted Left button Released
Unshifted Left button Double click
Unshifted Middle button Pressed
Unshifted Middle button Released
Unshifted Middle button Double click
Unshifted Right button Pressed
Unshifted Right button Released
Unshifted Right button Double click
Shifted Left button Pressed
Shifted Left button Released
Shifted Left button Double click
Shifted Middle button Pressed
Shifted Middle button Released
Shifted Middle button Double click
Shifted Right button Pressed
Shifted Right button Released
Shifted Right button Double click

The TRAILING-EVENT parameter is optional. If specified, this parameter defines the trailing event of a two event pointer device definition. This parameter has the same valid values as the EVENT parameter. A TRAILING-EVENT is be the trailing edge event for multiple leading edge events and have different Command key or EVENT-ID associations for each one. An event is be a trailing edge event and also defined as a single event (with a different Command key or EVENT-ID association).

Note: There are some restrictions to the Event definitions.
  • An event cannot be both a single event and a leading edge of a two event sequence.
  • A leading edge event can have only one trailing edge event associated with it.

If you use the same event as a single or leading edge event with multiple mouse button definitions, only the first definition is used.

Either the Command key or EVENT-ID parameter must be specified and associates a Command key or EVENT-ID value with the pointer device event indicated by the first (and second, if provided) parameters. Valid values for a Command key are CA01 through CA24, CF01 through CF24, ENTER, ROLLUP, ROLLDOWN, HELP, HOME, PRINT and CLEAR. Valid EVENT-IDs are E00 through E15. EVENT-IDs are similar to CAxx keys in that no input data is transmitted from the device.

The QUEUE parameter is optional and specifies if the single event being defined should be queued by the controller if received while the keyboard is locked. This feature is primarily used to allow a double-click to be defined for a mouse button that also has either the pressing or releasing of the same button defined. If the queueing is not enabled for the double click, the application will probably not know that the double-click has occurred since the keyboard will still be locked from processing the pressing/releasing of the button. The default is *NOQUEUE.

The following keywords cannot be specified when the listed Command key has been used on the MOUBTN keyword:

Command key Mutually exclusive keyword

where xx=yy.


where xx=yy.

CF01 ALTHELP with no parameter
CA07 ALTPAGEUP with no parameter
CA08 ALTPAGEDWN with no parameter

Although not required, it is valid to specify the CA01-CA24, CF01-CF24, ROLLUP, ROLLDOWN, PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN, CLEAR and HLPRTN keywords even though the associated function key is defined as a command key to a single or double mouse event. Associating a Command key to a mouse event will automatically enable the corresponding Command key from the keyboard. If you want to associate a response indicator with the function key, you must use one of the listed keywords to do this. In that case, the response indicator will be set on regardless if the Command key originates from the keyboard or from a mouse event.

Option Indicators are valid for this keyword.


The following example shows how to specify the MOUBTN keyword.

     A                                      MOUBTN(*URP CF03)
     A                                      MOUBTN(*SRP CF12)
     A                                      CF12(12 'CANCEL')
     A          R RECORD1
     A                                      MOUBTN(*ULP *UMP ROLLUP)
     A                                      MOUBTN(*UMP *ULP ROLLDOWN)
     A                                  1 10'ONE--:'
     A            FIELD1        10A  I  1 17TEXT('ONE')
     A                                  2 10'TWO--:'
     A            FIELD2        10A  I  2 17TEXT('TWO')

In this example, 2 Programmable Mouse Button events have been defined that will be in effect for all records within this file (unless overridden at the record level). These definitions associate the unshifted right mouse button pressed event with the CF03 key and the shifted right mouse button pressed event with the CF12 key. The CF03 key has no response indicator associated with it while the CF12 key has response indicator 12 associated with it.

Within RECORD1, two two-event mouse button events have been defined. The first associates the unshifted left mouse button pressed followed by the unshifted middle mouse button pressed with the ROLLUP key. The second associates the unshifted middle mouse button pressed followed by the unshifted left mouse button pressed with the ROLLDOWN key. These definitions are only valid when RECORD1 is the last record to be written to the display.