HLPPNLGRP (Help Panel Group) keyword for display files

You use this file-level or help-specification-level keyword to specify the source of the online help information, defined by the user interface manager (UIM), that is to be displayed when the Help key is pressed.

The format of the keyword is:
HLPPNLGRP(help-module-name [library-name/]panel-group-name)

The help module name is 1 to 32 characters long. Valid values for the first character in the name are alphabetic characters A through Z. Valid values for subsequent characters are alphabetic characters A through Z, numeric characters 0 through 9, slash (/), and underscore (_). If the name contains a slash or underscore character, the name must be enclosed in single quotation marks.

The panel group name specifies the UIM-panel group object that contains the help module. It need not exist when the display file is created. If you do not specify the library name, *LIBL is used to search for the panel group object.

Every help specification must contain a HLPRCD, HLPDOC, or HLPPNLGRP keyword, but a display file cannot contain both HLPPNLGRP and HLPRCD keywords, nor HLPPNLGRP and HLPDOC keywords.

If you specify the HLPPNLGRP keyword at the file level, you must specify the HELP keyword at the file level. If there are no help specifications in the file, you must also specify the HLPTITLE keyword at the file level.

If you specify the HLPPNLGRP keyword at the help specification level, you must specify a HELP and a HLPTITLE keyword either at the file level or on the current record.

Option indicators are valid for this keyword.


The following example shows how to specify the HLPPNLGRP keyword.

     A                                      HELP
     A                                      HLPPNLGRP(GENERAL LIBA/PANEL1)
     A                                      HLPTITLE('Sample Screen')
     A                                      HLPSCHIDX(QHSS1)
     A          R REC001
     A          H                           HLPARA(4  10  4  29)
     A                                      HLPPNLGRP(NAMETAG LIBA/PANEL1)
     A          H                           HLPARA(5  10  5 19)
     A                                      HLPPNLGRP(OPTION1TAG PANEL2)
     A                                  1 10'Sample Screen'
     A            NAME1         20A  B  4 10
     A            OPTION1       10A  B  5 10

If the cursor is located on line 4 between positions 10 and 29 when the Help key is pressed, help module NAMETAG from UIM panel group PANEL1 in LIBA is displayed. If the cursor is located on line 5 between positions 10 and 19, help module OPTION1TAG from UIM panel group PANEL2 in the library list is displayed. If the cursor is located anywhere else when the Help key is pressed, help module GENERAL in panel group PANEL1 in LIBA is displayed.