HLPFULL (Help Full) keyword for display files

You use this file-level keyword to indicate that the help text for the help panel group of the application is displayed using the full screen rather than using windows.

This keyword has no parameters.

If you do not specify this keyword, the online help information is displayed in a window unless the *HLPFULL option is specified for the user profile.

When you specify the HLPFULL keyword, you must specify the HLPPNLGRP keyword either at the file level or at the help specification level.

Option indicators are not valid for this keyword.


The following example shows how to specify the HLPFULL keyword.

     A                                      HELP
     A                                      HLPPNLGRP(GENERAL LIBA/PNL1)
     A                                      HLPFULL
     A                                      HLPTITLE('Sample Screen')
     A          R RECOO1H
     A          H                           HLPARA(4  10  4  29)
     A                                      HLPPNLGRP(NAMETAG LIBA/PNL1)
     A                                  1 10'Sample Screen'
     A            NAME1         20A  B  2 10

When the Help key is pressed in cursor location line 4 positions 10 through 29, the help module NAMETAG from LIBA/PNL1 is displayed using the full screen. If the Help key is pressed in any other location, the help module GENERAL from LIBA/PNL1 is displayed using the full screen.