Name for display files (positions 19 through 28)

You use these positions to specify record format names and field names.

The names must begin in position 19.

The example in Defining a display file for DDS shows you how to specify record format names and field names.

Record format name

When you specify R in position 17, the name specified in positions 19 through 28 is a record format name. You can specify more than one record format for a display file, but each record format name must be unique within that file.

Field name

When position 17 is left blank, the name you specified in positions 19 through 28 is a field name. Field names must be unique within the record format.

Constant fields

Constant fields are unnamed fields (positions 19 through 28 must be blank). The following rules apply to constant fields:
  • Positions 17 through 38 must be blank.
  • The location of the field is required (positions 39 through 44).
  • The field can be conditioned using option indicators (positions 7 through 16).
  • You can specify secondary display locations using display size condition names (positions 8 through 16). Only the display size condition name and location can be specified. That is, positions 7, 17 through 38, and 45 through 80 must be blank.
  • The constant itself is defined in positions 45 through 80 using one of the following entries:
    • Explicit DFT keyword (specify the value within single quotation marks with the DFT keyword)
    • Implicit DFT keyword (specify the value within single quotation marks without the DFT keyword)
    • DATE keyword (specify no value; see the DATE keyword description)
    • TIME keyword (specify no value; see the TIME keyword description)
    • SYSNAME keyword (specify no value; see the SYSNAME keyword description)
    • USER keyword (specify no value; see the USER keyword description)
    • MSGCON keyword (specify the message description, the message file, the library name, and the length of the message description)

How to determine the order of fields in a record format

The order of the name fields that you specify in a record format is the order in which the name fields appear in your program when it is compiled. (Unnamed fields do not appear in your program.)

The locations of named and unnamed fields you specify in positions 39 through 44 determine the order that the fields appear in the display. Hidden fields (H in position 38) and Program-to-System fields (P in position 38) do not appear on the display.