Finding your save window

When you run save procedures, how you run save procedures and what you save depend on the size of your save window.

A save window is the amount of time that your system cannot be available to users while you perform the save operations. To simplify your recovery, you need to save when your system is at a known point and your data is not changing.

When you select a save strategy, you should balance what your users think is an acceptable save window with the value of the data that you might lose and the amount of time that it might take to recover.

If your system is so critical to your business that you do not have a manageable save window, you probably cannot afford an unscheduled outage either. You should seriously evaluate all the availability options of the system, including clusters.

Based on the size of your save window, choose one of the following save strategies: simple, medium, or complex save strategy. Then reevaluate your decision based on how your save strategy positions you for a recovery.