Example: FTP Server Logon exit program in ILE RPG code

This is an example of a simple File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server Logon exit program. It is written in ILE RPG.

This code is not complete, but provides a starting point to help you create your own program.

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

(Preformatted text in the following example will flow outside the frame.)

       *Module Description ************************************************
       *                                                                  *
       *                                                                  *
       * Note:  This program is only an example and has NOT undergone any   *
       *        formal review or testing.                                 *
       *                                                                  *
       *                                                                  * 
       *                      PROGRAM FUNCTION                            * 
       *                                                                  * 
       * This program demonstrates some of the abilities an FTP Server    * 
       * Logon Exit Program can have.                                     * 
       *                                                                  * 
       F/SPACE 3 
       *                                                                  * 
       *                       INDICATOR USAGE                            * 
       *                                                                  * 
       *   IND.  DESCRIPTION                                              * 
       *                                                                  * 
       *    LR - CLOSE FILES ON EXIT                                      * 
       *                                                                  * 
       * DATA STRUCTURES USED BY THIS PROGRAM                             * 
       * Define constants 
   1  D Anonym          C                   CONST('ANONYMOUS ') 
      D Text1           C                   CONST('Anonymous (') 
      D Text2           C                   CONST(') FTP logon') 
      D InvalidNet      C                   CONST('10.') 
      C/SPACE 2 
       * Define binary parameters 
      D                 DS 
      D  APPIDds                1      4B 0 
      D  USRLENds               5      8B 0 
      D  AUTLENds               9     12B 0 
      D  IPLENds               13     16B 0 
      D  RETCDds               17     20B 0 
      C     *LIKE         DEFINE    APPIDds       APPIDIN 
      C     *LIKE         DEFINE    USRLENds      USRLENIN 
      C     *LIKE         DEFINE    AUTLENds      AUTLENIN 
      C     *LIKE         DEFINE    IPLENds       IPLENIN 
      C     *LIKE         DEFINE    RETCDds       RETCDOUT 
       * Define parameter list 
      C     *Entry        PLIST 
       * Input parameters: 
      C                   PARM                    APPIDIN                        Application ID 
       *                                                    possible values:   1 = FTP Server Program 
      C                   PARM                    USRIN           999            User ID 
      C                   PARM                    USRLENIN                       Length of User ID 
      C                   PARM                    AUTIN           999            Authentication Strg 
      C                   PARM                    AUTLENIN                       Length of Auth. Strg 
      C                   PARM                    IPADDRIN         15            Client IP Address 
      C                   PARM                    IPLENIN                        Length of IP Address 
       * Return parameters: 
      C                   PARM                    RETCDOUT                       Return Code (Out) 
       *                                                    possible values:   0 = Reject Logon 
       *                                                                       1 = Continue Logon 
       *                                                                       2 = Continue Logon, 
       *                                                                           override current 
       *                                                                           library 
       *                                                                       3 = Continue Logon, 
       *                                                                           override user prf, 
       *                                                                           password 
       *                                                                       4 = Continue Logon, 
       *                                                                           override user prf, 
       *                                                                           password, current 
       *                                                                           library 
       *                                                                       5 = Accept logon with 
       *                                                                           user prf returned 
       *                                                                       6 = Accept logon with 
       *                                                                           user prf returned, 
       *                                                                           override current 
       *                                                                           library 
      C                   PARM                    USRPRFOUT        10            User Profile (Out) 
      C                   PARM                    PASSWDOUT        10            Password (Out) 
      C                   PARM                    CURLIBOUT        10            Current Lib. (Out) 
       * THE MAIN PROGRAM                                                 * 
       * Check for ANONYMOUS user 
       *     1 
      C     USRLENIN      SUBST(P)  USRIN:1       User             10 
      C     User          IFEQ      Anonym 
      C                   MOVEL     Anonym        USRPRFOUT 
       * Check if the user entered something as a e-mail address 
      C     AUTLENIN      IFGT      *ZERO                          
             E-mail addr. entered 
       * Check if the E-mail address is a valid one 
      C                   Z-ADD     0             i                 3 0 
      C     '@'           SCAN      AUTIN:1       i                              Valid E-mail address 
       *                                                                         contains @ character 
      C     i             IFGT      0                                            Found a '@' 
      C     AUTLENIN      SUBST(P)  AUTIN:1       Email            30 
      C                   Z-ADD     5             RETCDOUT                       Accept Logon 
       * Log Anonymous FTP Logon to message queue QSYSOPR 
       * (The logging should be done to a secure physical file!!!!!!!) 
      C     Text1         CAT(p)    Email:0       Message          43 
      C     Message       CAT(p)    Text2:0       Message 
      C     Message       DSPLY     'QSYSOPR' 
      C                   ELSE                                                   Invalid E-mail addr 
      C                   Z-ADD     0             RETCDOUT                       Reject Logon attempt 
      C                   ENDIF 
      C                   ELSE                                                   No E-mail address 
      C                   Z-ADD     0             RETCDOUT                       Reject Logon attempt 
      C                   ENDIF 
      C                   ELSE 
       * Any Other User: Proceed with Normal Logon Processing, but the Client address must not belong 
       *                 to network 10.xxx.xxx.xxx 
      C     3             SUBST     IPADDRIN:1    TheNet            3 
      C     TheNet        IFEQ      InvalidNet                                   Wrong Net 
      C                   Z-ADD     0             RETCDOUT                       Reject Logon attempt 
      C                   ELSE                                                   Right Net 
      C                   Z-ADD     1             RETCDOUT                       Continue with Logon 
      C                   ENDIF 
      C                   ENDIF 
      C                   EVAL      *INLR = *ON 
      C                   RETURN