Connection string keywords - Language properties

Use these IBM® i Access ODBC driver connection string keywords to change the Language properties of the ODBC connection.

The following table lists connection string keywords for Languages that are recognized by the IBM i Access ODBC driver:

Table 1. IBM i Access ODBC connection string keywords for the Language properties
Keyword Description Choices Default
LANGUAGEID Specifies a 3-character language id to use for selection of a sort sequence. This property has no effect unless the SORTTYPE property is set to 2. AFR, ARA, BEL, BGR, CAT, CHS, CHT, CSY, DAN, DES, DEU, ELL, ENA, ENB, ENG, ENP, ENU, ESP, EST, FAR, FIN, FRA, FRB, FRC, FRS, GAE, HEB, HRV, HUN, ISL, ITA, ITS, JPN, KOR, LAO, LVA, LTU, MKD, NLB, NLD, NON, NOR, PLK, PTB, PTG, RMS, ROM, RUS, SKY, SLO, SQI, SRB, SRL, SVE, THA, TRK, UKR, URD, VIE ENU
SORTTABLE Specifies the library and file name of a sort sequence table stored on the system. This property has no effect unless the SORTTYPE property is set to 3. Qualified sort table name none
SORTTYPE or SortSequence Specifies how the server sorts records before sending them to the client. 0 or 1 = Sort based on hexadecimal values

2 = Sort based on the language set in LANGUAGEID property

3 = Sort based on the sort sequence table set in the SORTTABLE property

SORTWEIGHT Specifies how the server treats case while sorting records. This property has no effect unless the SORTTYPE property is set to 2. 0 = Shared-Weight (uppercase and lowercase characters sort as the same character)

1 = Unique-Weight (uppercase and lowercase characters sort as different characters)