Programmer's Toolkit

Find header files and complete information to develop IBM® i Access for Windows applications.

The IBM i Access for Windows Programmer's Toolkit is an installable component of the IBM i Access for Windows product and is the primary source of information needed to develop IBM i Access for Windows applications. This includes programming with IBM i Access for Windows ActiveX Automation Objects, ADO/OLE DB, .NET, and Java™. The Programmer's Toolkit contains links to header files, sample programs, and complete documentation.

  • No portion of the Toolkit or the IBM i Access for Windows product may be redistributed with the resulting applications.
  • By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information

The Programmer's Toolkit consists of two parts:

  • The IBM i Access for Windows Programmer's Toolkit component, which includes:
    • Online help information for the Toolkit and other online help for the product.
    • C/C++ header files
    • C import libraries
    • ActiveX automation type libraries
  • Programmer's Toolkit Web site which includes sample applications and tools that are useful for developing IBM i Access for Windows applications. The site is updated regularly. Check it periodically for new information.