Specifying global policy properties

Global policy properties are settings that are used with values that you specify in your backup control groups. You can use these properties to control how BRMS works in your environment.

To change the global policy properties on your system, perform the following steps:
  1. In System i® Navigator, right-click Backup, Recovery, and Media Services, and select Global Policy Properties.
  2. On the Global Policy Properties page, click the following tabs to specify the settings that you want to use:
    You can specify how you want to perform save operations of the i5/OS Licensed Internal Code, whether you want to allow BRMS to monitor media, and whether you want to allow restore operations from alternate media. You can also specify an optical volume prefix for short names if you have optical devices.
    You can specify how and when you want BRMS to communicate with you about backup processing.
    Power down
    You can specify the earliest and latest times that you want your system to be restarted, and you can specify the subsystems that you want to check for activity before the system restarts.
    Signoff exceptions
    You can specify any users or display devices that you want to stay active when BRMS does a backup. For example, you might add the security officer or the system console to this list to ensure that the system can be accessed by that person or device during processing.
    You can customize the maintenance options that are to be run when maintenance is selected to be run from a backup control group.
    You can specify the options you want BRMS to use when you retrieve objects that have had their storage freed by BRMS. For example, you can specify the type of media to retrieve objects from, such as whether to use devices in parallel or serial mode and how long to retain retrieved objects on the system.

    The retrieval options are associated with archive operations which are currently not supported by the BRMS client.

    You can manage the systems in your BRMS network and specify options such as whether TCP/IP or SNA should be used as your networking protocol for BRMS operations.
    You can specify which messages that you want to include or exclude from the BRMS log.