liblist - Manage library list


liblist [ -acdfl ] [ library ... ]


You can use liblist to add or delete a library from the user portion of the library list, set the current library, or display the library list for the current job.

You can add libraries to the user portion of the library list by specifying the -a option and a list of libraries. By default, the libraries are added to user portion of the beginning of the library list.

You can remove libraries from the user portion of the library list by specifying the -d option and a list of libraries.

The current library is set to library when the -c option is specified. The current library can be unset by specifying both the -c and -d options.

When no arguments are specified, qsh displays the current library list. Each line in the output includes the library name and the type of the library. A library can be one of the following types:

  • SYS for a library in the system portion of the library list.
  • PRD for a library in the product portion of the library list.
  • CUR for the current library.
  • USR for a library in the user portion of the library list.


Add library to the user portion of the library list.
Set the current library to library.
Remove library from the user portion of the library list or unset the current library if the -c option is also specified.
When the -a option is specified, add library to the beginning of the user portion of the library list.
When the -a option is specified, add library to the end of the user portion of the library list.


Each library is a library to either add or delete from the user portion of the library list depending on the options specified.

Exit status

  • 0 when successful.
  • >0 when unsuccessful.


  1. Add the library MYLIB to the library list: liblist -a MYLIB
  2. Remove the library MYLIB from the library list: liblist -d MYLIB
  3. Set the current library to MYLIB: liblist -c MYLIB
  4. Unset the current library: liblist -cd
  5. Display the library list: liblist