Media labels and their contents
This information lists the optical media that you receive with your IBM® i order.
Refer to the Customer Notices and information Web page (
for customer notices, installation information, and read me files
related to IBM i and
associated products.
Your media for installation needs to be arranged in the order that is listed.
Release identifier for i 7.1 R01M00
Distribution media labels indicate the release and modification level in a format that is different from what appears on displays during installation. The release and modification level are shown in the format R0xM00.
Media type identifiers
Labels on the distribution media that are used for installation have unique identifiers. Media type identifiers are located on the center of the label. These identifiers help you determine when to use each media volume.
When you are ready to install your new software, arrange the media in this order:
Licensed Machine Code - I_BASE_01
This language independent Licensed Machine Code (Licensed Internal Code) supports all language versions. The Licensed Machine Code is part of the standard set of media.
Multiple language version media - B_GROUPx_nn
This media contains the multiple language versions of the operating system, IBM-supplied libraries, no charge options, no-charge licensed programs, and keyed products. For the media identifier string B_GROUPx_nn, x indicates the language group and nn indicates a sequence number. See Feature codes for language version for a list of languages that are in each group.
This media contains some additional programs, products, single licensed programs, or options.
N29xx_01 Secondary Language Media
This media contains only language objects for the indicated secondary language. For secondary language media, the value for 29xx is the feature code of the secondary language as used for installation.
- Keep all of your distribution media. You might need them for recovery procedures.
- You might receive additional media volumes that do not conform to these descriptions. Examples include media that contain PRPQs or media for IBM i Access Family products that are installed on workstations. Also, IBM Business Partners might label the media differently.
- Julian dates are shown in the form yddd. The y is the last digit of the year (0 through 9), and ddd is the day of the year (0 through 366). For example, the Julian date for 6 April 1998 would be shown as 8096 because 06 April is the 96th day of the year 1998.

Product | Option | Description | Requires a software license key |
5770-999 | 9999 | Licensed Machine Code | No |

Product | Option | Description | Requires a software license key |
5770-SS1 | Base (QGPL, QUSRSYS, QSYS) | IBM i | Yes |
5770-SS1 | 1 | Extended Base Support | No |
5770-SS1 | 2 | Online Information | No |

Product | Option | Description | Requires a software license key |
5770-SS1 | 3 | Extended Base Directory Support | No |
5770-SS1 | 5 | System/36 Environment | No |
5770-SS1 | 6 | System/38 Environment | No |
5770-SS1 | 7 | Example Tools Library | No |
5770-SS1 | 8 | AFP Compatibility Fonts | No |
5770-SS1 | 9 | *PRV CL Compiler Support | No |
5770-SS1 | 12 | Host Servers | No |
5770-SS1 | 18 | Media and Storage Extensions | Yes |
5770-SS1 | 30 | Qshell | No |

Product | Option | Description | Requires a software license key |
5770-SS1 | 14 | GDDM | No |
5770-SS1 | 21 | Extended G11N Support | No |
5770-SS1 | 22 | ObjectConnect | No |
5770-SS1 | 29 | Integrated Server Support | No |
5770-SS1 | 33 | Portable App Solutions Environment | No |

Product | Option | Description | Requires a software license key |
5770-SS1 | 13 | System Openness Includes | No |
5770-SS1 | 31 | Domain Name System and Dynamic Host Configuration | No |
5770-SS1 | 34 | Digital Certificate Manager | No |
5770-SS1 | 35 | CCA Cryptographic Service Provider | No |
5770-SS1 | 36 | PSF for IBM i 1-55 IPM Printer Support | Yes |
5770-SS1 | 37 | PSF for IBM i 1-100 IPM Printer Support | Yes |
5770-SS1 | 38 | PSF for IBM i Any Speed Printer Support | Yes |
5770-SS1 | 39 | International Components for Unicode | No |
5770-SS1 | 41 | HA Switchable Resources | Yes |
5770-SS1 | 42 | HA Journal Performance | Yes |
5770-SS1 | 43 | Additional Fonts | No |
5770-AF1 | base | IBM Advanced Function Printing Utilities | Yes |
5761-AP1 | base | IBM Advanced DBCS Printer Support for iSeries (B_GROUP3_04 only) | Yes |
5761-AP1 | 1 | Adv DBCS Printer Support - IPDS (B_GROUP3_04 only) | Yes |
5770-BR1 | base | IBM Backup Recovery and Media Services for i | Yes |
5770-BR1 | 1 | BRMS - Network Feature | Yes |
5770-BR1 | 2 | BRMS - Advanced Feature | Yes |
5761-CM1 | base | IBM Communications Utilities for System i® | Yes |
5770-DE1 | base | IBM DB2 Extenders™ Version 9.5 for i | Yes |
5770-DE1 | 1 | DB2® Text Extender | Yes |
5770-DE1 | 2 | DB2 XML Extender | Yes |
5770-DE1 | 3 | Text Search Engine | Yes |
5770-DG1 | base | IBM HTTP Server for i | No |
5761-DP4 | base | IBM DB2 DataPropagator for iSeries, V8.1 | Yes |
5770-HAS | base | IBM PowerHA® for i Standard Edition | Yes |
5770-HAS | 1 | PowerHA for i Enterprise Edition | Yes |
5722-IP1 | base | IBM Infoprint Server for iSeries | Yes |
5770-JS1 | base | IBM Advanced Job Scheduler for i | Yes |
5770-NAE | base | IBM Network Authentication Enablement for i | No |
5770-PT1 | base | IBM Performance Tools for i | Yes |
5770-PT1 | 1 | Performance Tools - Manager Feature | Yes |
5770-PT1 | 2 | Performance Tools - Agent Feature | Yes |
5770-PT1 | 3 | Performance Tools - Job Watcher | Yes |
5770-QU1 | base | IBM Query for i | Yes |
5733-SC1 | base | IBM Portable Utilities for i | No |
5733-SC1 | 1 | OpenSSH, OpenSSL, zlib functions | No |
5770-ST1 | base | IBM DB2 Query Manager and SQL Development Kit for i | Yes |
5770-TC1 | base | IBM TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities for i | No |
5770-TS1 | base | IBM Transform Services for i | No |
5770-TS1 | 1 | Transforms - AFP to PDF Transform | No |
5770-XH2 | base | IBM i Access for Web | Yes |
5770-XW1 | base | IBM i Access Family | Yes |
5770-XW1 | 1 | IBM i Access Enablement Support | Yes |

Product | Option | Description | Requires a software license key |
5761-JV1 | base | IBM Developer Kit for Java™ | No |
5761-JV1 | 8 | J2SE 5.0 32 bit | No |
5761-JV1 | 9 | J2SE 5.0 64 bit | No |
5761-JV1 | 11 | Java SE 6 32 bit | No |
5761-JV1 | 12 | Java SE 6 64 bit | No |
5761-JV1 | 13 | J2SE 1.4 64 bit | No |
5770-UME | base | IBM Universal Manageability Enablement for i | No |
5770-WDS | base | IBM Rational® Development Studio for i | Yes |
5770-WDS | 21 | Application Development ToolSet | Yes |
5770-WDS | 31 | ILE RPG | Yes |
5770-WDS | 32 | System/36 Compatible RPG II | Yes |
5770-WDS | 33 | System/38 Compatible RPG III | Yes |
5770-WDS | 34 | RPG/400® | Yes |
5770-WDS | 35 | ILE RPG *PRV Compiler | Yes |
5770-WDS | 41 | ILE COBOL | Yes |
5770-WDS | 42 | System/36 Compatible COBOL | Yes |
5770-WDS | 43 | System/38 Compatible COBOL | Yes |
5770-WDS | 44 | OPM COBOL | Yes |
5770-WDS | 45 | ILE COBOL *PRV Compiler | Yes |
5770-WDS | 51 | ILE C | Yes |
5770-WDS | 52 | ILE C++ | Yes |
5770-WDS | 56 | IXLC for C/C++ | Yes |
5770-WDS | 60 | Workstation Tools - Base | Yes |
5770-XE1 | base | IBM i Access for Windows | No |

Product | Option | Description | Requires a software license key |
5733-QU2 | base | IBM DB2 Web Query for i | Yes |
5733-QU2 | 1 | Active Reports | Yes |
5733-QU2 | 2 | OLAP Module | Yes |
5733-QU2 | 4 | Run Time User Enablement | Yes |
5733-QU2 | 5 | Spreadsheet Client | Yes |
5733-QU2 | 6 | Adapter for Microsoft SQL Server | Yes |
5733-QU2 | 7 | JDE Adapter | Yes |
5733-QU3 | base | IBM DB2 Web Query Report Broker | Yes |
5733-QU4 | base | IBM DB2 Web Query Software Development Kit | Yes |

Product | Option | Description | Requires a software license key |
5639-ZC1 | base | Zend Server Community Edition for i | See note 1 |

Product | Option | Description | Requires a software license key |
5733-OAR | base | Open Access RPG Edition | Yes. See note 2. |

- Refer to the Zend Customer Letter on the Customer Notices and information Web page ( for information about Zend Server Community Edition for i.
- For System i and System p customers, the Entitled Software Support (ESS) web site ( is available for you to access, download, and manage your software programs. Please visit this web site, and under the IBM i Evaluation, Try & Buy and NLV download tab, you can find your trial use software for this product.
- You might receive other media that contains a single licensed program or option and also has the volume ID of F_MULTI_NLV. The media label lists the licensed program or option contained on the media.