_Rreadindv() — Read from an Invited Device


#include <recio.h>

_RIOFB_T *_Rreadindv(_RFILE *fp, void *buf, size_t size, int opts);

Language Level: ILE C Extension

Threadsafe: No.


The _Rreadindv() function reads data from an invited device.

The following are valid parameters for the _Rreadindv() function.

Points to the buffer where the data that is read is to be stored. If locate mode is used, this parameter must be set to NULL.
Specifies the number of bytes that are to be read and stored in buf. If locate mode is used, this parameter is ignored.
Specifies the processing options for the file. Possible values are:
If the file is opened for updating, then the record being read or positioned to is locked. Otherwise, the option is ignored.

The _Rreadindv() function is valid for display and ICF files.

Return Value

The _Rreadindv() function returns a pointer to the _RIOFB_T structure that is associated with fp. If the _Rreadindv() function is successful, the num_bytes field is set to the number of bytes transferred from the system buffer to the user's buffer (move mode) or the record length of the file (locate mode). The sysparm and rrn (for subfiles) fields are also updated. The num_bytes field is set to EOF if the file is empty. If the _Rreadindv() function is unsuccessful, the num_bytes field is set to a value less than the value of size and the errno will be changed.

The value of errno may be set to:

The file is not open for read operations.
Truncation occurred on an I/O operation.
A non-recoverable I/O error occurred.
A recoverable I/O error occurred.

See Table 12 and Table 14 for errno settings.

Example that uses _Rreadindv()

#include <stdio.h>
#include <recio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
    char name[20];
    char address[25];
} format1 ;
typedef struct {
    char name[8];
    char password[10];
} format2 ;
typedef union {
    format1 fmt1;
    format2 fmt2;
} formats ;
int main(void)
    _RFILE   *fp;               /* File pointer                          
    _RIOFB_T *rfb;        /* Pointer to the file's feedback structure    
    _XXIOFB_T *iofb;          /* Pointer to the file's feedback area     
    formats  buf, in_buf, out_buf          /* Buffers to hold data       
 /* Open the device file.                                          */
    if (( fp = _Ropen ( "MYLIB/T1677RD2", "ar+" )) == NULL )
        printf ( "Could not open file\n" );
        exit ( 1 );
   _Racquire ( fp,"DEVICE1" );    /* Acquire another device. Replace */
                                   /* with actual device name.        */
    _Rformat ( fp,"FORMAT1" );     /* Set the record format for the   */
                                   /* display file.                   */
    rfb = _Rwrite ( fp, "", 0 );   /* Set up the display.             */
    _Rpgmdev ( fp,"DEVICE2" );  /* Change the default program device. */
                                /* Replace with actual device name.   */
    _Rformat ( fp,"FORMAT2" );   /* Set the record format for the     */
                                 /* display file.                     */
    rfb = _Rwrite ( fp, "", 0 );   /* Set up the display.             */
    rfb = _Rwriterd ( fp, &buf, sizeof(buf) );
    rfb = _Rwrread ( fp, &in_buf, sizeof(in_buf), &out_buf,
                     sizeof(out_buf ));
    _Rreadindv ( fp, &buf, sizeof(buf), __DFT );
                                  /* Read from the first device that  */
                                  /* enters data - device becomes     */
                                  /* default program device.          */
 /* Determine which terminal responded first.                      */
    iofb = _Riofbk ( fp );
    if ( !strncmp ( "FORMAT1  ", iofb -> rec_format, 10 ))
        _Rrelease ( fp, "DEVICE1" );
        _Rrelease(fp, "DEVICE2" );
 /* Continue processing.                                           */
    printf ( "Data displayed is %45.45s\n", &buf);
    _Rclose ( fp );

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