mblen() — Determine Length of a Multibyte Character


#include <stdlib.h>
int mblen(const char *string, size_t n);

Language Level: ANSI

Threadsafe: No. Use mbrlen() instead.

Locale Sensitive: The behavior of this function might be affected by the LC_CTYPE category of the current locale. This function might be affected by the LC_UNI_CTYPE category of the current locale if LOCALETYPE(*LOCALEUCS2) or LOCALETYPE(*LOCALEUTF) is specified on the compilation command. For more information, see Understanding CCSIDs and Locales.


The mblen() function determines the length in bytes of the multibyte character pointed to by string. n represents the maximum number of bytes examined.

Return Value

If string is NULL, the mblen() function returns:

If string is not NULL, mblen() returns:

The mblen(), mbtowc(), and wctomb() functions use their own statically allocated storage and are therefore not restartable. However, mbrlen(), mbrtowc(), and wcrtomb() are restartable.

Example that uses mblen()

This example uses mblen() and mbtowc() to convert a multibyte character into a single wide character.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int length, temp;
char string [6] = "w";
wchar_t arr[6];
int main(void)
   /* Initialize internal state variable */
   length = mblen(NULL, MB_CUR_MAX);       
   /* Set string to point to a multibyte character  */
   length = mblen(string, MB_CUR_MAX);
   temp = mbtowc(arr,string,length);
   arr[1] = L'\0';
   printf("wide character string: %ls\n", arr);

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