isalnum() - isxdigit() — Test Integer Value


#include <ctype.h>
int isalnum(int c);
/* Test for upper- or lowercase letters, or decimal digit */
int isalpha(int c);
/* Test for alphabetic character */
int iscntrl(int c);
/* Test for any control character */
int isdigit(int c);
/* Test for decimal digit */
int isgraph(int c);
/* Test for printable character excluding space */
int islower(int c);
/* Test for lowercase */
int isprint(int c);
/* Test for printable character including space */
int ispunct(int c);
/* Test for any nonalphanumeric printable character */
/* excluding space */
int isspace(int c);
/* Test for whitespace character */
int isupper(int c);
/* Test for uppercase */
int isxdigit(int c);
/* Test for hexadecimal digit */

Language Level: ANSI

Threadsafe: Yes.

Locale Sensitive: The behavior of these functions might be affected by the LC_CTYPE category of the current locale. For more information, see Understanding CCSIDs and Locales.


The <ctype.h> functions listed test a character with an integer value.

Return Value

These functions return a nonzero value if the integer satisfies the test condition, or a zero value if it does not. The integer variable c must be representable as an unsigned char.

EOF is a valid input value.

Example that uses <ctype.h> functions

This example analyzes all characters between code 0x0 and code UPPER_LIMIT, printing A for alphabetic characters, AN for alphanumerics, U for uppercase, L for lowercase, D for digits, X for hexadecimal digits, S for spaces, PU for punctuation, PR for printable characters, G for graphics characters, and C for control characters. This example prints the code if printable.

The output of this example is a 256-line table showing the characters from 0 to 255 that possess the attributes tested.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define UPPER_LIMIT   0xFF
int main(void)
   int ch;
   for ( ch = 0; ch  <= UPPER_LIMIT; ++ch )
      printf("%3d ", ch);
      printf("%#04x ", ch);
      printf("%3s ", isalnum(ch)  ? "AN" : " ");
      printf("%2s ", isalpha(ch)  ? "A"  : " ");
      printf("%2s",  iscntrl(ch)  ? "C"  : " ");
      printf("%2s",  isdigit(ch)  ? "D"  : " ");
      printf("%2s",  isgraph(ch)  ? "G"  : " ");
      printf("%2s",  islower(ch)  ? "L"  : " ");
      printf(" %c",  isprint(ch)  ? ch   : ' ');
      printf("%3s",  ispunct(ch)  ? "PU" : " ");
      printf("%2s",  isspace(ch)  ? "S"  : " ");
      printf("%3s",  isprint(ch)  ? "PR" : " ");
      printf("%2s",  isupper(ch)  ? "U"  : " ");
      printf("%2s",  isxdigit(ch) ? "X"  : " ");

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