Job message queues

The CCSID for all job message queues is 65534. You cannot change or display this value. A job message queue CCSID of 65534 requires fewer CCSID conversions. Fewer CCSID conversions of text result in better performance and improved data integrity.

The CCSID of each message in the job log is used for CCSID processing. No conversion occurs when a message is sent to the job log.

Note: Request messages are always tagged with a CCSID of 65535 and are never converted.

If you set CCSID processing on, system-supplied display files and printer files that display or print job logs convert the CCSID of the messages to the CCSID of the job before displaying or printing the messages. To print and display the messages correctly, your job CCSID setting must be the same as the code page portion of your device CHRID setting. Status messages that appear on line 24 of a display are converted to the CCSID of the device before they are shown.