What's new as of March 2017

Support for AWS S3 and IBM Cloud Object Storage services

You can now store files in AWS S3 and IBM Cloud Object Storage (formerly Cleversafe) buckets. Both web service providers use the AWS S3 protocol, and in Cloud Storage Solutions you work with their resources and files using the same commands and APIs.

Before you can store files, you must obtain object storage space on an AWS S3 or IBM Cloud Object Storage cloud server. For information on obtaining storage space, go to the web sites at https://aws.amazon.com or https://www.ibm.com/cloud-computing/products/storage/object-storage/cloud/, create an object storage account, and then create a bucket. For information on creating accounts and buckets, see the Amazon or IBM® documentation.

Product license keys are required
You can use Cloud Storage Solutions for a 70-day trial period. After that you must purchase the product and install the product license key. See Licensing Cloud Storage Solutions.