The SYSCSTCOL view records the columns on which constraints are defined. There is one row for every column in a unique, primary key, and check constraint and the referencing columns of a referential constraint.

The following table describes the columns in the SYSCSTCOL view:

Table 1. SYSCSTCOL view
Column Name System Column Name Data Type Description
TABLE_SCHEMA TDBNAME VARCHAR(128) Name of the SQL schema that contains the table the constraint is dependent on.
TABLE_NAME TBNAME VARCHAR(128) Name of the table the constraint is dependent on. This is the SQL table name if it exists; otherwise, it is the system table name.
COLUMN_NAME COLUMN VARCHAR(128) Column that the constraint was created over. This is the SQL column name if it exists; otherwise, it is the system column name.
CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA CDBNAME VARCHAR(128) Name of the schema of the constraint.
CONSTRAINT_NAME RELNAME VARCHAR(128) Name of the constraint.
SYSTEM_COLUMN_NAME SYS_CNAME CHAR(10) System name of the column.
SYSTEM_TABLE_NAME SYS_TNAME CHAR(10) System name of the table.
SYSTEM_TABLE_SCHEMA SYS_DNAME CHAR(10) System name of the schema containing the table.
SYSTEM_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA SYS_CDNAME CHAR(10) Name of the system schema containing the constraint.