STEP 014 : Recover All Remaining System and User Data

If you are using a media library device in random mode to perform automated recovery, you may now select to recover all of your data. An easy way to do this is to use F16 to select all recovery items. After all items are restored, continue with STEP 019 : Recover Spooled Files for all ASPs

If the recovery includes objects saved from auxiliary storage pool devices or objects saved to TSM servers, these objects cannot be selected for recovery until after the IPL step. Using F16 to select all recovery items is not recommended. Use F11=ASP View and Option 1=Select to select only those objects in auxiliary storage pool *SYSBAS.
STEP 014 : Recover All Remaining System and  User Data                                              
   Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________
       You may now select to recover all of the data on your system.                                
       Otherwise, continue with the following step.                                                 
       To do so, type the following command then press "Enter".                                     
           STRRCYBRM OPTION(*RESUME)                                                                
       --- Attention -------------------------------------------------------                        
       Press F9 on the Select Recovery Items display to go to the Restore                           
       Command Defaults display.                                                                    
       __ Ensure the tape device name or media library device name is                               
          correct for the Device prompt.                                                            
       __ Ensure *SAVLIB is specified for the Restore to library prompt.                            
       __ Ensure *SAVASP is specified for the Auxiliary storage pool prompt.                        
       __ Select *NEW for Restore spooled file data to recover saved                                
          spooled files concurrently with restored output queues.                                   
       __ Ensure *CURRENT is specified for the Lotus point-in-time prompt.                          
       Press "Enter" to return to the Select Recovery Items display.                                
       -----  Attention  ---------------------------------------------------                        
       You must set your Save/Restore Master Key Value to recover your                              
       encrypted data.  To do so, you must run the ADDMSTPART command for                           
       every pass phrase used.                                                                      
       Once the master keys are loaded, you must run the SETMSTKEY command.                         
       To load your master key:                                                                     
         ADDMSTPART MSTKEY(*SAVRST) PASSPHRASE('phrase-used')                                       
       To set your master key:                                                                      
         SETMSTKEY MSTKEY(*SAVRST)                                                                  
       Press F16 to select all recovery items then press "Enter".                                   
       After the saved items are recovered, continue with the step following                        
       "Recover Directories and Files".                                                             

Depending on your recovery strategy, you may choose to restore the remainder of your system by control groups. Recovery by control group requires knowledge of the objects saved by each control group and sequence these objects must be restored. For instance, control group GROUP_A may have saved some objects also saved by control group GROUP_B. Selecting all saved items from both control groups will result in redundant recovery of the duplicate saved items.

If you are recovering the entire system, only use control group recovery after the base operating system has been recovered.

You might choose to use recovery by control group to recover critical business applications, or to restore multiple control groups concurrently using additional sessions to improve the performance of the recovery.

To perform recovery by control group, use the following command to select and sequence the control groups to be recovered.

If you use different control groups for full saves than for incremental saves, you must select both control groups and sequence the incremental control groups after the full control groups.

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