Media Set Rotation

Media set rotation works by grouping and rotating sets of volumes by color or another identifying code. For example, if you want to rotate three sets of media, you might code the first one blue, the second red, and the third, green. You might use the blue set to back up your data one week, and the red set to back up the same data the next week. Then you might use the third (green) set to back up the same data during the third week. Once you create the coding method and the rotation time period, the set begins rotating. Media sets allow you to view the volume sequence, expiration dates, current storage location, current container, and last move dates for each volume in the set.

If you want to use the media rotation method, you need to create media classes that match your code. For example, if you use a code system with the colors red, green, and blue as identifiers, you need to set up media classes to match. In this case, you need to set up a media class for each of the colors: red, blue, and green. You would then assign each color class to a different save period, for example, week 1 for red, week 2 for blue, and so on.

Before you implement the media set rotation method, however, consider the following limitations:

Media sets are active in the media inventory as long as they contain active data.

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