Adding a New Device Automatically

Procedures for adding a new device are the same for both stand-alone devices and library devices. To add a new device to your System i®, take the following steps:

  1. Attach the device to your system.
  2. Type INZBRM OPTION(*DATA) at a command line and press Enter. In addition to creating policy, control group, and other defaults, this command registers and creates new device information entries for the devices currently attached to your system. Device information entries include:
  3. If your device is a stand-alone that is not shared with other systems, or if it is a media library, you must vary it on before using it. You can vary on both stand-alone and media library devices by taking option 8 (Work with status) from the Work with Devices (WRKDEVBRM) display. Alternatively, you can vary on a media library by using the Work with MLB Status (WRKMLBSTS) command. When sharing the device between multiple systems, BRMS varies it on and off for you, by the jobs that are lined up in the work queue.

The INZBRM command initializes your device automatically.

Should you have difficulty varying on a device, see the Recovering your system book for assistance.

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