STEP 029 : Print Job Log

After completing the recovery of your entire system, use the job log to identify any items that BRMS did not successfully restore. Check the job log for all error messages, then correct the errors, and restore any missing objects from the media. To print the job log, use the DSPJOBLOG command. BRMS sends a message (CPF3773) to tell you how many objects BRMS restored.

STEP 029 : Print Job Log                                                                            
   Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________
       You should print the joblog.                                                                 
       To do so, type the following command then press "Enter".                                     
           DSPJOBLOG JOB(*) OUTPUT(*PRINT)                                                          
       Review the job logs or output from your recovery processing                                  
       to ensure that all recovery steps completed successfully.                                    

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