Library Backup Analysis Report (QP1ALA)

The Library Backup Analysis report shows an analysis of libraries that you have backed up as well as those that you did not back up. The size of the library and the number of objects is listed for each library. The reports are produced using the ANZLIBBRM command. However, you must have first run the RTVDSKINF command. The RTVDSKINF command create files that ANZLIBBRM uses to analyze your libraries. The RTVDSKINF command initiates an analysis of the system (1) and basic user (2–32) auxiliary storage pools by default. You must specify the ASPDEV parameter to initiate an analysis of any available auxiliary storage pool devices. The ANZLIBBRM command will generate report QP1ALA for the system and basic user auxiliary storage pools, and report QP1ALA0nnn for each available auxiliary storage pool device, where nnn is the auxiliary storage pool number.

The following should be noted about this report:

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