Recovering Your Entire System Report (also called the Recovery Analysis Report)

The Recovering Your Entire System Report is the primary recovery report generated by BRMS and is also some times referred to as the Recovery Analysis Report, and is often times simply referred as the System Recovery Report. Use this report to guide you in a step-by-step manner through the restoration of your entire system. This report includes instructions on how to recover your Licensed Internal Code, your operating system, user libraries, spooled files, and other parts of your system. This report also identifies media volumes (by volume ID) you need for recovery.

The name of this report becomes Recovery Analysis when you use it to guide you through selected recoveries rather than complete recoveries.

In addition to the following three required reports, there are other reports which assist or pertain to various aspects of the data recovery process. For more information about the additional reports, see Appendix B. A Summary of BRMS Reports.

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