Removing BRMS From Your System

To remove BRMS from your system, take the following steps:

  1. Enter GO LICPGM from a command line.
  2. At the Work with Licensed Programs display, select option 12 (Delete licensed programs).
  3. Type option 4 (Delete) next to the BRMS (5770-BR1) products you want to remove and press Enter.
  4. Press Enter again at the next display to confirm the products you want to remove, and to proceed with the licensed program removal.

You can remove the Advanced Function and Network features independently of the standard product if required. However, before you can remove the Network feature, you must first remove the system from the network. You can find instructions on how to remove systems from a network and how to remove the Network feature itself in Networking with BRMS.

Deleting the BRMS product from your system will remove the QBRM library from your system. If you used BRMS to save objects to save files, BRMS would have also created one or more libraries named Q1ABRMSnn, where nn is the number of the auxiliary storage pool containing the library. Deleting the BRMS product does not remove these save file libraries or the QUSRBRM library containing the save history information. If you intend to remove BRMS permanently from your system, you can also remove these libraries.

The QBRMS user profile is not automatically deleted from the system when BRMS is deleted. Before deleting the QBRMS user profile, review the objects owned by this profile to determine whether you want to keep or remove these objects. If you have no intention of reinstalling BRMS or do not require the objects currently owned by the QBRMS user profile, then delete the QBRMS user profile using the following command:

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