Managing Save Files using BRMS

Once data has been saved to a save file through either a BRMS backup or archive process, the save file data can be copied to media or deleted from the save file library.

There are situations where you may decide to only save data to a save file without ever copying it to media. In this way you are likely to keep the save file on the system for a longer period of time in case the saved data is needed for quick recovery. Most often, however, once data is copied from the save file to tape, the save file will be deleted. There may be situations where the save file is needed to be kept on the system for a period of time after the copy of the save file to tape. The following table shows the different options associated with copying save files to media and deleting save files from the system.

Table 1. Options for copying save files to media
Action Device: *NONE Device: device-name
Copied To Media No Yes
Deleted from disk On expiration On expiration or when copied to media (which ever happens last)

There are five commands that can be used to manage the save files. These are:

  1. The RMVMEDIBRM and SAVSAVFBRM commands delete only those save files that have expired. The STREXPBRM command must run prior to these commands to flag such save files as expired. The STREXPBRM and RMVMEDIBRM commands can be scheduled to run periodically or can be processed as part of the daily BRMS maintenance processing (see Daily Maintenance in BRMS).
  2. The SAVSAVFBRM and STREXPBRM commands determine those save files that need to be saved or expired and deleted from the system based on the object and retention information specified in the control group attributes.
  3. The RMVMEDIBRM and STREXPBRM commands can be run independently, but are also components of the BRMS maintenance procedures. These procedures must be run nightly. As such, if you are performing regular maintenance with the STRMNTBRM command, then this will ensure that no expired save files are kept on the system, thus reducing disk usage. Refer to Daily Maintenance in BRMS for more information about setting up daily maintenance operations.
  4. The SAVSAVFBRM command should not be confused with the option to save contents of save files which is on the second screen of the control group attributes, backup, and archive policies. These options refer to the ability to save data in user save files to the media defined in your control group or policy. SAVSAVFBRM is a command to save BRMS save files to media under BRMS control. You can specify the SAVSAVFBRM command on the command line or schedule it through the system job scheduler.
  5. The Allow subsequent saves (ALWADLSAVE) parameter of the SAVSAVFBRM command can be used to save the save files to media and not have the save file deleted from the system. Specifying *YES for this parameter indicates you intend to save the save files on subsequent save operations. The save files will not be deleted from the system when maintenance is run. If you specify this value, you must run a subsequent SAVSAVFBRM command using ALWADLSAVE(*NO) to enable removal of these save files from the system.

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