How the Functional Usage Model Works

Use the functional usage model when you want to customize user access to certain functions or when you want to grant all users the same access to a certain function. The functional usage model provides two levels of security for each BRMS function, functional component, and specific backup and media management item (such as a policy or control group).


In the functional usage model, a user either has access to a BRMS function or component, or does not have access to it. If a user has access to a function or component, that user can use and view it. If a user has no access to that function or component, then that user cannot use or view it. At this basic level of access, a user can process a specific item (such as a library or control group) in a backup operation, but does not have the ability to change it.


Another level of access allows a user to change a specific function, component, or item. For example, to change a backup list, a user must have access to a specific backup list. Similarly, to change a media policy, a user must have access to a specific media policy. The functional usage model provides lists of existing items (control groups, backup lists, media and move policies, and so on) for which you can grant specific access.

With the functional usage model, you can give a user both types of access (so that the user can both use and change a particular function, component, or item). Or you can give a user just one type of access, for example, access to use, but not change, a particular function, component, or item.

The following section summarizes your security options.

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