STEP 026 : Recover Authorization Information

To restore authorities to the restored objects, use the RSTAUTBRM command.

The attention block at the end of the step in generated if BRMS detects private authority information for basic user auxiliary storage pools has not been saved.
STEP 025 : Recover Authorization Information                                                        
   Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________
       You should recover authorization information if user profiles                                
       were recovered in an earlier step.                                                           
       -----  Attention  ---------------------------------------------------                        
       Some authorities may not be restored if the system is not running in                         
       restricted state.                                                                            
       Restoring authorities can be a long running process.                                         
       Review the joblog or output from your recovery processing                                    
       to ensure all recovery steps completed successfully.                                         
       Restore authorities to objects.                                                              
       To do so, type the following command and press "Enter".                                      
           RSTAUT USRPRF(*ALL)                                                                      
       To restore authority information saved by BRMS for basic user auxiliary                      
       pools (2-32), run the following command.                                                     
           RSTAUTBRM USRASP(*ALLUSR)                                                                
       Type the command choice and press "Enter".                                                   
       -----  Attention  ---------------------------------------------------                        
       BRMS has no history of saved private authorities for basic user                              
       auxiliary storage pools (2-32).                                                              
       If you want to save the private authorities assigned to objects in                           
       basic user auxiliary storage pools and improve recoverability, do not                        
       use *USRASPAUT when specifying omit items.                                                   

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