Planning for the Installation

BRMS uses library QUSRBRM to store information about your backup and archive operations, the policies you use to perform these operations and all the media being managed by BRMS. Depending on the number of policies and the level of saved detail you keep and how long you retain this information, the size of the files in the QUSRBRM library can be significantly large. Whenever, you upgrade to a new release, BRMS must convert the information in changed physical files to the new record format so that the data is compatible with the programs. This file conversion typically is required only once for any given release. In releases prior to V5R3M0, the file conversions were performed during installation.

The file conversion consists of replicating the data from the file record format of a previous release to the file record format of the current release. If you have programs which interface to the BRMS logical or physical files in library QUSRBRM, you are responsible for verifying the function of these programs using the new file record format. The format of these files are subject to change without notice. If you have created your own logical files based on the physical files in library QUSRBRM, you must delete these logical files before you install the product update.

If you are planning an upgrade to a later version/release of BRMS, you can run the following commands on the current version/release to estimate the conversion time for the product update.

 For V5R4M0:                                             
    INZBRM OPTION(*ESTPRDUPD) TGTRLS(target-release)                              
 For V5R3M0:                       
    CALL QBRM/Q1ARMLT PARM('ESTCONVTIM' 'target-release')                         
    where: target-release is the future version/release/modification level,       
          in VnRnMn format, of the planned upgrade.                               

The estimated update time is returned in message BRM402C. The estimated time can vary significantly if the update and initialization are not run on the current system, or run in different system environments. The minimum time estimate returned is 10 minutes.

With V6R1M0 and follow on releases, the BRMS file conversion now includes the BRMS printer files. The conversion will save off current attributes of the printer files that are in library QBRM, install the shipped ones, and then apply the saved attributes of old printer files to the newly installed ones. This will preserve any attribute changes that you have made prior to upgrading.

With V5R3M0 and follow on releases, the BRMS file conversion was removed from the install path and a new post-install product initialization step was created. Post installation product initialization must be performed before you can use BRMS. If an attempt is made to use any BRMS command prior to product initialization you will see the following exception:

BRM40A2 — BRMS product initialization required.

In addition, all functions on BRMS menus are disabled as shown in the following panel. Any attempt to use a menu option will also result in the BRM40A2 exception. Deferring the BRMS product initialization allows you to minimize the time your system is not available for the software upgrade. It allows you to load all the software and PTFs in a more timely manner and to get the system online sooner. You can then perform the BRMS initialization after all system resources become available.

 BRMS            Backup Recovery and Media Services for i5/OS                 
                                                             System:   RCHAS400 
 Select one of the following:                                                   
      *. Media management                                                       
      *. Backup                                                                 
      *. Archive                                                                
      *. Recovery                                                               
      *. Migration                                                              
     **. Scheduling                                                             
     **. Policy administration                                                  
     **. Reports                                                                
     **. Start console monitor                                                  
 Selection or command                                                           
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F9=Retrieve   F10=Commands   F12=Cancel   F13=Functions  
 BRMS product initialization required.                    

BRMS automatically initiates the product initialization process for you by submitting a job named BRMSPRDINZ to the batch queue defined in job description QGPL/QDFTJOBD. Message BRM40A8 is added to the job log after successful completion of the installation. This message identifies the job and the batch job queue that will run the BRMS product initialization. If you install while in restricted state, the product initialization job will not run until after the system IPL.

In most cases, the initialization might have already been completed by the time you want to use BRMS. If you can use the BRMS commands, menus and the System i Navigator client, no further action is required, the product has been successfully initialized. If these functions are locked, you will want to locate and monitor for the job completion message in the QSYSOPR message queue. If the job is still running, you can run the following command to retrieve an approximation of the time required to complete the initialization.


If you cannot find job BRMSPRDINZ in the batch queues and BRMS commands and menus are still locked, you can run the following command to complete BRMS product initialization.


Only one job can perform product initialization. The following messages are generated by the *RUNPRDINZ option to inform you of the initialization process status.

BRMS product initialization started.
BRMS product initialization successful.
BRMS product initialization ended abnormally.
BRMS product initialization already started.
BRMS initialization not required.

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