Field Descriptions

Length of object description information
The length, in bytes, of the object description information.
Length of media information
The length, in bytes, of the media information.
Length of control value information
The length, in bytes, of the control value information.
Object name
The name of the object.
Object library
The name of the library that contained the object.
Member name
The name of the member associated with the object.
File sequence
The tape file sequence number assigned when the object was saved on a tape. The field contains zeros if the object was saved to a save file.
Object owner
The owner of that the object that you are retrieving.
Saved date
The date that the object was saved expressed in cyymmdd (century, year, month, day) format.
Saved time
The time that the object was saved expressed in hhmm (hour, minute) format.
Saved release
The release of i5/OS under which the object was saved.
Media class
The media class of the volume that contains the saved objects.
File sequence
The tape file sequence number assigned when the object was saved on a tape. The field contains zeros if the object was saved to a save file.
Member size
The size of the member in units of size multiplier. The member size is equal to or smaller than the member size multiplied by the number size multiplier.
Member size multiplier
The value to multiply the member size by to get the true size. The value is 1 if the member is smaller than 1 000 000 000, and 1024 if it is larger.
Auxiliary storage pool (ASP)
The auxiliary storage pool ID.
Member text
Text that describes the object to be recalled.

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