Automatic Duplication

Automatic duplication can be used to duplicate data after it has been saved. In a control group backup, this will happen at each save done within the control group, so multiple duplications will occur in asynchronous jobs. The joblog from the backup will contain messages indicating which jobs are performing the duplications. The backup will finish and return control to the user before the duplications have completed. Each duplication job will issue completion and error messages to the BRMS log. Use DSPLOGBRM to view these messages. This new feature is most ideal for ensuring your virtual media are being duplicated off to physical media.

To set up Automatic duplication, follow these steps:

  1. Type WRKPCYBRM *MED on the command line. This will bring up the Work with Media Policies display.
  2. Type a 1 (Create) next to a new media policy name or 2 (Edit) next to an already existing media policy name.
  3. Page down to the parameter Automatic duplication.
                              Change Media Policy                                  
      Media policy . . . . . . . . . . :   VIRTUAL                                 
    Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
      Automatic duplication:                                                       
          From devices . . . . . . . . .   *NONE       Name, *NONE, *SAME, *MEDCLS.
          From device end option . . . .   *REWIND     *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD    
          To devices . . . . . . . . . .   *SAME       Name, *SAME, *MEDCLS, F4    
          To device end option . . . . .   *REWIND     *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD    
          To media policy  . . . . . . .   *SAME       *SAME, *SYSPCY, F4          
          Save media information . . . .   *SAME       *SAME, *BKUPCY, *LIB, *OBJ  
     F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel                                 
  4. At the From devices parameter, choose the device which you would like to duplicate from.
  5. At the From device end option parameter, choose the end option you would like the From device to use.
  6. At the To devices, parameter choose the device/devices which you would like to duplicate to.
  7. At the To device end option, parameter choose the end option for the To device.
  8. At the To media policy, parameter choose the media policy that you would like to use for duplicating to.
  9. For the Save media information parameter, you may choose to have the BRMS media information to be saved after all the automatic duplications have completed.
  10. Review and change the parameters as needed and press Enter.

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