Recovery of Auxiliary Storage Pool Devices

When the system recovery includes objects saved from auxiliary storage pools devices, the following additional steps will be added to the System Recovery Report to aid you in recovering your system. These steps will appear after Step: Perform IPL because System i Navigator is used to re-configure the auxiliary storage pool devices. These steps do not appear if you are recovering by ASP, the assumption is that the ASP you are recovering is already configured.

The steps described in this topic provide the guidance to configure the auxiliary storage pool devices during system recovery. The following step makes sure you have the appropriate service table entry for configuring the auxiliary storage pool devices using System i Navigator.

__ STEP 022 : Verify Service Table Entry                                                            
   Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________
       The recovery includes objects saved from auxiliary storage pool                              
       devices. A service table entry is  required to configure auxiliary                           
       storage pool devices.                                                                        
       Verify entry as-sts exists in the list of service table entries.                             
       To do so, type the following command then press "Enter".                                     
       If entry as-sts does not exist, add the entry by typing 1 for Opt,                           
       as-sts for Service. Press "Enter", then press F10.                                           
       Enter the following values for the parameters of the Add Service Table                       
       Entry (ADDSRVTBLE) command.                                                                  
           Parameter:     Value                                                                     
           Service:       'as-sts'                                                                  
           Port:          3000                                                                      
           Protocol:      'tcp'                                                                     
           Text:          'Service Tools Server'                                                    
           Alias:         'AS-STS'                                                                  
       Press "Enter" to create the service table entry.                                             

The following step appears in the report to provide additional guidance for starting up the New Disk Pool Wizard in System i Navigator which you will use to configure the auxiliary storage pool devices.

__ STEP 024 : Configure Auxiliary Storage Pool Devices                                              
   Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________
       The recovery includes objects saved from auxiliary storage pool                              
       devices. The auxiliary storage pool devices must be re-configured                            
       before recovery can continue.                                                                
       Use the "Display ASP Information" report (QP1AASP) to review the                             
       names of the auxiliary storage pool devices of the saved system.                             
       --- Attention -------------------------------------------------------                        
       If the auxiliary storage pool devices are intended to be used as                             
       switched auxiliary storage pools in a clustered environment, review                          
       the documentation provided with your cluster management product to                           
       identify any pre-configuration steps that may be required prior to                           
       configuring these auxiliary storage pool devices.                                            
       Re-configure the auxiliary storage pool devices using System i                               
       Navigator as follows:                                                                        
       __ Open this system's folder in System i Navigator.                                          
       __ Open the Configuration and Service folder.                                                
       __ Open the Hardware folder.                                                                 
       __ Open the Disk Units folder.                                                               
       __ Complete the Service Device signon.                                                       
       __ Right-click the Disk Pools folder.                                                        
       __ Click on New Disk Pools...                                                                
       __ Follow the steps of the New Disk Pool Wizard.                                             

The following step verifies the names of the configured auxiliary storage pool devices to the names of the saved auxiliary storage pool devices. When you configure the auxiliary storage pool devices using System i Navigator, these devices might or might not be assigned the same auxiliary storage pool number depending on the number of disk resources and the order in which they are configured. Because the auxiliary storage pool number might change, it is important to keep the name the same to allow for automated recovery.

If you are restoring objects to a different auxiliary storage pool device from which it was saved, you will need to change the default recovery options to specify the auxiliary storage pool where the objects are to be restored.

__ STEP 025 : Verify Auxiliary Storage Pool Device Names                                            
   Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________
       Display the configured auxiliary storage pool device descriptions.                           
       To do so, type the following command then press "Enter".                                     
           WRKDEVD DEVD(*ASP)                                                                       
       Verify the configured auxiliary storage pool device names match the                          
       names of the auxiliary storage pool devices listed in report QP1AASP.                        
       Use option 8=Work with status to verify the status of each auxiliary                         
       storage pool device status is AVAILABLE.                                                     
       Display, verify and update the BRMS auxiliary storage pool information                       
       as required.                                                                                 
       To do so, type the following command then press "Enter".                                     

BRMS saves the history information for auxiliary storage pool devices by the auxiliary storage pool device name. This device name is displayed adjacent to the saved item name as shown in the sample report below. The step shown below will be included in the report if there are libraries saved from auxiliary storage pool devices. You would also see a similar section for recovery of any directories and files that might have been saved from auxiliary storage pool devices.

You should always make sure the auxiliary storage pool devices are available when running the Start Maintenance for BRM (STRMNTBRM) or the Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) commands.

When recovering libraries on auxiliary storage pool devices and recovering them to the same system and the same auxiliary storage pool device, you need to consider the following:

__ STEP 026 : Recover Additional User Libraries                                                     
   Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________
       You should restore the current version of additional user libraries                          
       saved from auxiliary storage pool devices (33-255) or to TSM servers.                        
       If you are performing a complete system restore, run the following                           
       command to continue:                                                                         
           STRRCYBRM OPTION(*RESUME)                                                                
       Otherwise, run one or more of the following commands to recover these                        
       saved items.                                                                                 
       Run the following command to recover additional libraries in the system                      
       (1) or basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pools saved to TSM servers :                      
           STRRCYBRM OPTION(*ALLUSR) ACTION(*RESTORE) USEADSM(*YES)                                 
       Run the following command to recover additional libraries in auxiliary                       
       storage pool devices saved from the current system:                                          
           STRRCYBRM OPTION(*ASPDEV) ACTION(*RESTORE)                                               
           ASPDEV((*LCL *ALL *LIB))                                                                 
       Specify parameter USEADSM(*YES) if these were saved to TSM servers.                          
       Run the following command to recover additional libraries in auxiliary                       
       storage pool devices saved from another system:                                              
           STRRCYBRM OPTION(*ASPDEV) ACTION(*RESTORE)                                               
           ASPDEV((system-name auxiliary-storage-pool-name *LIB)                                    
                  (system-name auxiliary-storage-pool-name *LIB) ... )                              
       Specify parameter USEADSM(*YES) if these were saved to TSM servers.                          
       Type your command choice then press "Enter".                                                 
       -----  Attention  ---------------------------------------------------    
       Any logical/physical file dependencies are now handled by BRMS.  A       
       BRMS defined ID of Q1ARSTID will be used for the Defer ID (DFRID)        
       parameter on RSTLIB and RSTOBJ commands.  This parameter allows you      
       to restore all objects in a set of libraries when the libraries with     
       dependent objects are restored before the libraries with the objects     
       they depend on.     
       --- Attention -------------------------------------------------------                        
       If you use journaling, the libraries containing the journals must be                         
       restored before restoring the libraries containing the journaled files.                      
       --- Attention -------------------------------------------------------                        
       If you are restoring libraries to an auxiliary storage pool device                           
       with the same name but a different auxiliary storage pool number                             
       the following libraries will automatically be renamed when restored:                         
       where nnnnn is the number of the auxiliary storage pool device.                              
       --- Attention -------------------------------------------------------                        
       The QSYS2nnnnn libraries must be restored before all other libraries.                        
       To recover the QSYS2nnnnn libraries, do the following:                                       
       __ Press F9 to go to the Recovery Defaults Display.                                          
       __ Change the value of Allow object differences to *ALL.                                     
       __ Press "Enter" to return to the Select Recovery Items display.                             
       __ Select and recovery the QSYS2nnnnn libraries.                                             
       __ Press F9 to go to the Recovery Defaults Display.                                          
       __ Change the value of Allow object differences to *NONE or *FILELVL.                        
       __ Press "Enter" to return to the Select Recovery Items display.                             
       __ Continue recovery of the remaining libraries.                                             
       Select the saved item(s) listed below from the "Select Recovery Items"                       
       display then press "Enter" to recover these saved items. Recovery of                         
       these saved items will require the volumes listed on the report or                           
       duplicate volumes.                                                                           
   Saved            ----- ASP ------  Save     Save                  Sequence  Control    Volume    
   Item       Type  Name      Number  Date     Time    Objects Omit  Number    Group      Identifier
   ---------- ----- ---------- ----- -------- -------- ------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------
__ EMPLOYEES  *FULL PAYROLL    00033  8/22/02 13:09:52       6               1 SYSTEM     SAVS2     
__ AUG2002    *FULL ACCOUNTS   00034  8/22/02 13:21:57       6               2 SYSTEM     SAVS2     
__ STEP 027 : Recover Additional Directories and Files                                              
   Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________
       You should restore the current version of additional directories and                         
       files saved from auxiliary storage pool devices (33-255) or saved to                         
       TSM servers.                                                                                 
       If you are performing a complete system restore, run the following                           
       command to continue:                                                                         
           STRRCYBRM OPTION(*RESUME)                                                                
       Otherwise, run one or more of the following commands to recover these                        
       saved items.                                                                                 
       --- Attention -------------------------------------------------------                        
       If you are performing a complete system recovery and the user-defined                        
       file systems on auxiliary storage pool devices were saved unmounted,                         
       type the following command and press "Enter" to unmount the file systems:                    
           UNMOUNT TYPE(*ALL) MNTOVRDIR(*ALL)                                                       
       Run the following command to recover additional directories and files                        
       in the system(1) or basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pools saved                          
       to TSM servers.                                                                              
           STRRCYBRM OPTION(*LNKLIST) ACTION(*RESTORE) USEADSM(*YES)                                
       Run the following command to recover additional directories and files                        
       in auxiliary storage pool devices saved from the current system:                             
           STRRCYBRM OPTION(*ASPDEV) ACTION(*RESTORE)                                               
           ASPDEV((*LCL *ALL *LNK))                                                                   
       Specify parameter USEADSM(*YES) if these were saved to TSM servers.                          
       Run the following command to recover additional directories and files                        
       in auxiliary storage pool devices saved from another system:                                 
           STRRCYBRM OPTION(*ASPDEV) ACTION(*RESTORE)                                               
           ASPDEV((system-name auxiliary-storage-pool-name *LNK)                                    
                  (system-name auxiliary-storage-pool-name *LNK) ... )                              
       Specify parameter USEADSM(*YES) if these were saved to TSM servers.                          
       Type your command choice then press "Enter".                                                 
       Select the saved item(s) listed below from the "Select Recovery Items"                       
       display then press "Enter" to recover these saved items. Recovery of                         
       these saved items will require the volumes listed on the report or                           
       duplicate volumes.                                                                           
                                                      --- Objects ---                              
   Saved           ----- ASP ------  Save     Save            Not     Sequence  Control   Volume  
   Item      Type  Name      Number  Date     Time    Saved   Saved   Number    Group     Identifier
   --------- ----- ---------- ----- -------- -------- ------- ------- --------- --------- ----------
__ *LINK     *FULL LOTUS      00035  2/07/03 11:54:06       5               4  QLTSDOM01  1959AF
__ *LINK     *FULL LOTUS      00035  2/07/03 11:56:14       5               5  QLTSDOM01  1959AF

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