Recovery with Apply Journal Changes

Beginning with V5R3M0, BRMS keeps track of the files and members in user libraries which are journaled at the time of the save to provide you with additional assistance when recovering these objects.

If the recovery includes objects saved with pending transactions, you must either apply or remove the journal changes for these objects to be usable.
If you re-save objects with pending transactions without specifying *NOCMTBDY for Pending record changes, you need to also specify *YES for Retain object detail if you want to use BRMS for applying or removing journal changes for the most recent save. BRMS cannot assist with applying or removing journal changes for objects for which there is no object detail.

When you select 5=Display from the BRMS Work with Saved Objects display, the last panel of the Display Object Save Information display shows you whether the object was saved with pending transactions, the associated journal and starting journal receiver. The journal and journal receiver information will always be filled in if the object was journaled at the time of the save.

                        Display Object Save Information                         
   Pending transactions . . . . . . . . . : *YES                                
   Journal  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : JRN1                                
   Journal library  . . . . . . . . . . . : JRNLIB                              
   Journal receiver . . . . . . . . . . . : RCV005                              
   Journal receiver library . . . . . . . : JRNLIB                              
 Press Enter to continue.                                                Bottom 
 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                           

You may also produce journal receiver reports, Journal Receiver Chain Report (QP1AJR) and the Journal Receiver Exception Report (QP1AJREXC). The Journal Receiver Chain report produces a listing and detailed report of the receiver chains associated with the specified journals. The Journal Receiver Exception report will be generated when BRMS detects a break or missing receiver from the receiver chain in the BRMS backup history information. To generate these reports, issue the following command:


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