pthread_setschedparam()--Set Target Thread Scheduling Parameters

 #include <pthread.h>
 #include <sched.h>
 int pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t thread, int policy,
 			   const struct sched_param *param);  
  Service Program Name: QP0WPTHR

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

  Signal Safe: No

The pthread_setschedparam() function sets the scheduling parameters of the target thread. The supported IBM® i scheduling policy is SCHED_OTHER. An attempt to set the policy to a value other than this cause the EINVAL error. The sched_priority field of the param parameter must range from PRIORITY_MIN to PRIORITY_MAX or the ENOTSUP error occurs.

All reserved fields in the scheduling parameters structure must be binary 0 or the EINVAL error occurs.

Note: Do not use pthread_setschedparam() to set the priority of a thread if you also use another mechanism (outside of the pthread APIs) to set the priority of a thread. If you do, pthread_getschedparam() returns only that information that was set by the pthread interfaces (pthread_setschedparam() or modification of the thread attribute using pthread_attr_setschedparam()).

Authorities and Locks



(Input) Pthread handle of the target thread

(Input) Scheduling policy (must be SCHED_OTHER)

(Input) Scheduling parameters

Return Value

pthread_setschedparam() was successful.

pthread_setschedparam() was not successful. value is set to indicate the error condition.

Error Conditions

If pthread_setschedparam() was not successful, the error condition returned usually indicates one of the following errors. Under some conditions, the value returned could indicate an error other than those listed here.


The value specified for the argument is not correct.


The value specified for the priority argument is not supported.

Related Information


Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

#include <pthread.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "check.h"

#define  BUMP_PRIO     1
int      thePriority = 0;

int showSchedParam(pthread_t thread)
  struct sched_param   param;
  int                  policy;
  int                  rc;

  printf("Get scheduling parameters\n");
  rc = pthread_getschedparam(thread, &policy, &param);
  checkResults("pthread_getschedparam()\n", rc);

  printf("The thread scheduling parameters indicate:\n"
         "priority = %d\n", param.sched_priority);
  return param.sched_priority;

void *threadfunc(void *parm)
  int           rc;

  printf("Inside secondary thread\n");
  thePriority = showSchedParam(pthread_self());
  sleep(5);  /* Sleep is not a very robust way to serialize threads */
  return NULL;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  pthread_t             thread;
  int                   rc=0;
  struct sched_param    param;
  int                   policy = SCHED_OTHER;
  int                   theChangedPriority=0;

  printf("Enter Testcase - %s\n", argv[0]);

  printf("Create thread using default attributes\n");
  rc = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, threadfunc, NULL);
  checkResults("pthread_create()\n", rc);

  sleep(2);  /* Sleep is not a very robust way to serialize threads */

  memset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));
  /* Bump the priority of the thread a small amount */
  if (thePriority - BUMP_PRIO >= PRIORITY_MIN_NP) {
      param.sched_priority = thePriority - BUMP_PRIO;

  printf("Set scheduling parameters, prio=%d\n",
  rc = pthread_setschedparam(thread, policy, &param);
  checkResults("pthread_setschedparam()\n", rc);

  /* Let the thread fill in its own last priority */
  theChangedPriority = showSchedParam(thread);
  if (thePriority == theChangedPriority ||
      param.sched_priority != theChangedPriority) {
      printf("The thread did not get priority set correctly, "
             "first=%d last=%d expected=%d\n",
             thePriority, theChangedPriority, param.sched_priority);
  sleep(5);  /* Sleep is not a very robust way to serialize threads */
  printf("Main completed\n");
  return 0;


Enter Testcase - QP0WTEST/TPSSP0
Create thread using default attributes
Inside secondary thread
Get scheduling parameters
The thread scheduling parameters indicate:
priority = 0
Set scheduling parameters, prio=-1
Get scheduling parameters
The thread scheduling parameters indicate:
priority = -1
Main completed

API introduced: V4R3

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