select()--Wait for Events on Multiple Sockets

 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/time.h>

 int select(int max_descriptor,
            fd_set *read_set,
            fd_set *write_set,
            fd_set *exception_set,
            struct timeval *wait_time)

  Service Program Name: QP0LLIB1

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Conditional; see Usage Notes.

The select() function is used to enable an application to multiplex I/O. By using select(), an application with multiple interactive I/O sources avoids blocking on one I/O stream while the other stream is ready. Thus, for example, an application that receives inputs from two distinct communication endpoints (using sockets) can use select() to sleep until input is available from either of the sources. When input is available, the application wakes up and receives an indication as to which descriptor is ready for reading.

The application identifies descriptors to be checked for read, write, and exception status and specifies a timeout value. If any of the specified descriptors is ready for the specified event (read, write, or exception), select() returns, indicating which descriptors are ready. Otherwise, the process waits until one of the specified events occur or the wait times out.


(Input) Descriptors are numbered starting at zero, so the max_descriptor parameter must specify a value that is one greater than the largest descriptor number that is to be tested.

(I/O) A pointer to a set of descriptors that should be checked to see if they are ready for reading. This parameter is a value-result field. Each descriptor to be tested should be added to the set by issuing a FD_SET() macro. If no descriptor is to be tested for reading, read_set should be NULL (or point to an empty set). On return from the call, only those descriptors that are ready to be read are in the set. FD_ISSET() should be used to test for membership of a descriptor in the set.

(I/O) A pointer to a set of descriptors that should be checked to see if they are ready for writing. This parameter is a value-result field. Each descriptor to be tested should be added to the set by issuing a FD_SET() macro. If no descriptor is to be tested for writing, write_set should be NULL (or point to an empty set). On return from the call, only those descriptors that are ready to be written are in the set. FD_ISSET() should be used to test for membership of a descriptor in the set.

(I/O) A pointer to a set of descriptors that should be checked for pending exception events. This parameter is a value-result field. Each descriptor to be tested should be added to the set by issuing a FD_SET() macro. If no descriptor is to be tested for exceptions, exception_set should be NULL (or point to an empty set). On return from the call, only those descriptors that have an exception event are in the set. FD_ISSET() should be used to test for membership of a descriptor in the set.

(Input) A pointer to a structure which specifies the maximum time to wait for at least one of the selection criteria to be met. A time to wait of 0 is allowed; this returns immediately with the current status of the sockets. The parameter may be specified even if NO descriptors are specified (select() is being used as a timer). If wait_time is NULL, select() blocks indefinitely. The structure pointed to by the wait_time parameter is defined in <sys/time.h>.


No authorization is required.

Return Value

select() returns an integer. Possible values are:

Note: The timeval structure (pointed to by wait_time) is unchanged.

Error Conditions

When select() fails, errno can be set to one of the following:

[EBADF] Descriptor not valid.

[ENOTSAFE] Function not allowed.

[EFAULT] Bad address.

The system detected an address which was not valid while attempting to access the read_set, write_set, exception_set, or wait_time parameter.

[EINTR] Interrupted function call.

[EINVAL] Parameter not valid.

This error code indicates one of the following:

  • The max_descriptor parameter specifies a negative value or a value greater than [FD_SETSIZE].

  • The wait_time parameter specifies a time value which was not valid.

[EIO] Input/output error.

[ENOTSUP] Operation not supported.

The operation, though supported in general, is not supported for the requested object or the requested arguments.

[EUNKNOWN] Unknown system state.

Error Messages

CPE3418 E Possible APAR condition or hardware failure.
CPF3CF2 E Error(s) occurred during running of &1 API.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.
CPFA081 E Unable to set return value or error code.
CPFA0D4 E File system error occurred.

Usage Notes

  1. The poll() API is more efficient than the select() API and therefore poll() is always recommended over select().

  2. An application program must include the header file <sys/types.h> to use select(). The header file contains the type and macro definitions needed to use select(). The maximum number of descriptors that can be selected is defined by FD_SETSIZE. See DosSetRelMaxFH() for additional considerations when select() and DosSetRelMaxFH() are used within the same process.

    The following macros can be used to manipulate descriptor sets:

    Note: Values of type fd_set should only be manipulated by the macros supplied in the <sys/types.h> header file.

  3. A descriptor can be returned in the set specified by read_set to indicate one of the following:

  4. A descriptor can be returned in the set specified by write_set to indicate one of the following:

  5. A socket descriptor is returned in the set specified by exception_set to indicate that out-of-band data has arrived at the socket. This is only supported for connection-oriented sockets with an address family of AF_INET or AF_INET6.

  6. Unpredictable results will appear if this function or any of its associated type and macro definitions are used in a thread executing one of the scan-related exit programs (or any of its' created threads). See Integrated File System Scan on Open Exit Programs and Integrated File System Scan on Close Exit Programs for more information.

Related Information

API introduced: V3R1

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