send_file64()--Send a File over a Socket Connection

 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>

 int send_file64(int *socket_descriptor,
                 struct sf_parms64 *sf_struct,
                 int flags)

  Service Program Name: QSOSRV1

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Conditional; see Usage Notes.

The send_file64() function is used to send the contents of an open file over an existing socket connection.

The send_file64() API is a combination of the IFS read() and the sockets send() and close() APIs. Socket applications that transmit a file over a socket connection can, under certain circumstances, obtain improved performance by using send_file64().

send_file64() is enabled for large files. It is capable of operating on files larger than 2 GB minus 1 byte. For additional information about the parameters, authorities required, return values, error conditions, error messages, and other usage notes, see send_file()--Send a File over a Socket Connection.


(Input/Output) A pointer to the socket descriptor that is to be written to.

(Input/Output) A pointer to the send_file64 structure that contains the following:

The structure pointed to by the sf_struct parameter is defined in <sys/socket.h>.

   struct sf_parms64
      void                *header_data;
      size_t               header_length;

      int                  file_descriptor;
      unsigned long long   file_size;
      long long            file_offset;
      long long            file_bytes;

      void                *trailer_data;
      size_t               trailer_length;

      unsigned long long   bytes_sent;

(Input) A flag value that controls what is done with the socket connection after the data has been transmitted.


No authorization is required.

Usage Notes

  1. When you develop in C-based languages, the prototypes for the 64-bit APIs are normally hidden. To use the send_file64() API, you must compile the source with the _LARGE_FILE_API macro defined.

  2. All of the Usage Notes for send_file() apply to send_file64(). See Usage Notes in the send_file() API.

API introduced: V4R4

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