QsoIsOperationPending()--Check if an I/O Operation is Pending

 #include <qsoasync.h>

 int QsoIsOperationPending(int socketDescriptor, unsigned long long operationId)


  Service Program Name: QSOSRV3

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The QsoIsOperationPending() function is used to check if one or more asynchronous I/O operations is pending on the socket. Pending operations are defined as incomplete operations that have not been posted to an I/O completion port.


int socketDescriptor (Input)
The socket descriptor from which to generate an operation identifier.

unsigned long long operationId (Input)
The operation identifier that was specified in field operationId in the Qso_OverlappedIO_t structure when the operation was started.


No authorization is required.

Return Values

QsoIsOperationPending() returns an integer. Possible values are:

Errno Conditions

When QsoIsOperationPending() fails, errno can be set to one of the following:

[EBADF] Invalid descriptor

[ENOTSOCK] The specified descriptor is not a socket.

[EUNKNOWN] Unknown system state.

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
CPFA081 E Unable to set return value or error code.
CPE3418 E Possible APAR condition or hardware failure.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.

Related Information

API introduced: V6R1

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