Start of changeRetrieve Watch List (QSCRWCHL) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 Receiver variable Output Char(*)
2 Length of receiver variable Input Binary(4)
3 Receiver format name Input Char(8)
4 Watch selection information Input Char(*)
5 Watch selection information format Input Char(8)
6 Error Code I/O Char(*)

  Default Public Authority: *EXCLUDE

  Threadsafe: No

The Retrieve Watch List (QSCRWCHL) API generates a list of all or some watch sessions on the system.

The QSCRWCHL API produces a list similar to the list produced by the Work with Watches (WRKWCH) command.

Authorities and Locks

Authority to use the API
To use this API, you must have service (*SERVICE) special authority or must be authorized to the Service watch and Service trace functions of the IBM i through System i™ Navigator's Application Administration support. The Change Function Usage (CHGFCNUSG) command, with a function ID of QIBM_SERVICE_WATCH and QIBM_SERVICE_TRACE, can also be used to change the list of users that are allowed to perform watch operations.

Required Parameter Group

Receiver variable

The variable that is to receive the list of watch sessions.

Length of receiver variable

The size of the receiver variable. If the length is larger than the size of the receiver variable, the results may not be predictable. The minimum length is 8 bytes.

Receiver format name

The format of the watch list to be returned.You can use these special values for this parameter:

WCHL0100 Basic watch list.

For more information, see Format of the Generated List.

Watch selection information

The information that identifies the watch information to be returned. The format of this information depends on the specified Watch selection format.

Watch selection information format

Indicates which watch sessions will be retrieved. The possible values are:

WCHF0100 The list of watch sessions will be retrieved according to what is specified in WCHF0100 Watch Selection Information.
Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter. If this parameter is omitted, diagnostic and escape messages are issued to the application.

Format of the Generated List

For detailed descriptions of the fields in the list returned, see Field Descriptions.

WCHL0100 Format

The following information is returned in the receiver variable for the WCHL0100 format.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Bytes returned
4 4 BINARY(4) Bytes available
8 8 BINARY(4) Offset to watch sessions list
12 C BINARY(4) Number of watch sessions
16 10 BINARY(4) Size of watch session entry
20 14 CHAR(*) Reserved
These fields repeat, in the order listed, for each session. CHAR(10) Session ID
CHAR(10) Origin
CHAR(10) User ID
CHAR(10) Status

Watch selection information format

For detailed descriptions of the fields in the list returned, see Field Descriptions.

WCHF0100 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(10) Session ID
10 14 CHAR(10) Watch session type
20 1E CHAR(10) Origin
30 28 CHAR(10) User ID
40 32 CHAR(10) Status

Field Descriptions

Bytes available. The length of all data available to return. All available data is returned if enough space is provided.

Bytes returned. The length of the data actually returned. The number of bytes returned is always less than or equal to both the number of bytes available and the receiving variable length.

Number of watch sessions. The number of watch sessions returned on the API call.

Offset to watch sessions list. The offset from the beginning of the structure to the start of the watch sessions list.

Origin. The name of the command or the API that started the watch. Valid values are:

*ALL All watch sessions will be retrieved (input only).
QSCSWCH Session started by Start Watch (QSCSWCH) API
STRWCH Session started by Start Watch (STRWCH) command
STRTRC Session started by Start Trace (STRTRC) command
STRCMNTRC Session started by Start Communications Trace (STRCMNTRC) command
TRCINT Session started by Trace Internal (TRCINT) command
TRCCNN Session started by Trace Connection (TRCCNN) command
TRCTCPAPP Session started by Trace TCP/IP Application (TRCTCPAPP) command

Reserved. A reserved field. This field is set to hexadecimal or binary zero.

Session ID. The session identifier for the watch. Valid values are:

*ALL All watch sessions will be retrieved (input only).
generic-name The generic name of the session to retrieve. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk substitutes for any valid characters. A generic session name specifies all sessions with identifiers that begin with the generic prefix. (input only)
name The session identifier

Size of watch session entry. The size in bytes of a watch session entry (session id, origin, user id, and status). The watch session list consists of one or more watch session entries.

Status. The status of the watch session. Valid values are:

*ALL Watch sessions in any status will be retrieved (input only).
ACTIVE Session in ACTIVE status
ENDING Session in ENDING status

User ID. The user identifier of user that started the watch session. Valid values are:

*ALL Watch sessions started by any user will be retrieved (input only).
* Watch sessions started by the user calling the API are retrieved. (input only)
name The name of the user that started the watch session

Watch session type. Identifies the type of watch according to its origin. Valid values are:

*ALL Watch sessions of any type will be retrieved (input only).
*SRVMON Watch session started using the Service Monitor function of the operating system.
*STRWCH Watch session started using the Start Watch (STRWCH) command or Start Watch (QSCSWCH) API.
*TRCCMD Watch session started using Start Communications Trace (STRCMNTRC), Start Trace (STRTRC), Trace Internal (TRCINT), Trace Connection (TRCCNN) and Trace TCP/IP Application (TRTCPAPP) commands.

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
CPF1E99 E Unexpected error occurred.
CPF24B4 E Severe error while addressing parameter list.
CPF3CF1 E Error code parameter not valid.
CPF3C1D E Length specified in parameter &1 not valid.
CPF3C19 E Error occurred with receiver variable specified.
CPF3C20 E Error found by program &1.
CPF3C21 E Format name &1 is not valid.
CPF3C24 E Length of the receiver variable is not valid.
CPF3C3A E Value for parameter &2 for API &1 not valid.
CPF39E6 E The user does not have the required authority.
CPF98A2 E Not authorized to &1 command or API.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.

End of change
API introduced: IBM® i 7.1

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