Start of changeProcess Request (QmyProcessRequest) API

  Required Parameter Group: None

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Service Program: QMYSE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Process Request (QmyProcessRequest) API is used to notify the storage engine that a request is pending.

Authorities and Locks

QMYSE authority

API Public Authority

Required Parameter Group

Return Code

The return code from processing the request. Possible values are:

Code Reason
0 Successful.
2016 Thread ID cannot be used.
2021 Refer to error message in joblog.
2022 Unlock SQL synchronization token failed during close.
2023 Invalid object lock operation.
2024 Invalid savepoint operation.
2025 Partial key used against ICU sort sequence.
2026 Could not retrieve sort key.
2027 Could not convert sort sequence.
2028 Invalid sort sequence used.
2029 Invalid parent table for constraint.
2030 Could not extract table information.
2031 Could not extract parent table information.
2032 Invalid commitment control operation.
2033 Invalid commit level specified on open.
2034 Invalid object handle specified.
2035 The constraint space was not large enough.
2036 Invalid return data option.
2037 Invalid read orientation.
2038 Read blocking requested for orientation that does not support blocking.
2039 Invalid commitment control level requested.
2040 Unlock SQL synchronization token failed during allocate share.
2041 Space too small for row format to be returned.
2042 XA request unsupported.
2043 SQL server job was ended externally.
2044 Unlock SQL synchronization token failed during SQL execute immediate.
2045 Unlock SQL synchronization token failed during SQL prepare/open cursor.
2046 Invalid CCSID specified.
2047 Open attempted against SQL cursor.
2048 No associated EBCDIC CCSID.
2049 Unable to convert SQL statement.
2050 Unable to unlock MY synchronization token.
2051 Unable to destroy MY synchronization token.
2052 Unable to lock MY synchronization token.
2053 Unable to recreate MY synchronization token.
2054 Invalid constraint space handle.
2055 Delete attempted against SQL cursor.
2056 Storage engine interface cannot be used within job using other SQL interfaces.
2057 Object instance not opened for delete.
2058 Object init attempted against SQL cursor.
2059 Override attempted against SQL cursor.
2060 Invalid override space handle.
2061 Info attempted against SQL cursor.
2062 Lock attempted against SQL cursor or object share handle.
2063 Optimize attempted against SQL cursor.
2064 Invalid read data space handle.
2065 Invalid relative row space handle.
2066 Invalid key space handle.
2067 Describe range attempted against SQL cursor.
2068 Invalid describe range space handle.
2069 Release row attempted against SQL cursor.
2070 Invalid statement space handle.
2071 Invalid statement space handle.
2072 Update attempted against SQL cursor.
2073 Table not opened when I/O attempted.
2074 Object instance not open for update.
2075 Invalid update space handle.
2076 Write attempted against SQL cursor.
2077 Invalid write space handle.
2078 Unknown storage engine request.
2079 Invalid share definition space handle.
2080 Invalid share handle space handle.
2081 Invalid in use space handle.
2082 Invalid rows per key space handle.
2083 Invalid LOB space handle.
2084 LOB space too small for request.
2085 Invalid SQL server job request.
2086 Unable to initialize SQL.
2088 Unable to lock SQL server job synchronization token.
2089 Unable to unlock SQL server job synchronization token.
2090 Relational database not found.
2091 Failure creating SQL server job synchronization token.
2094 Unable to unlock SQL server job synchronization token.
2095 Unable to connect to SQL server job.
2096 Maximum SQL server jobs started.
2101 Block full for read request.
2102 Table definition may have changed underneath storage engine.
2103 Could not give asynchronous pipe descriptor.
2104 There are pending object locks on the object instance.
2105 Object instance was not locked and thus could not be unlocked.
2106 Could not send request to SQL server job.
2107 Could not receive reply from SQL server job.
2108 Identity value exceeded.
2109 Could not close asynchronous pipe descriptor.
2110 Could not take asynchronous pipe descriptor.
2111 Could not write to asynchronous pipe descriptor.
2112 Asynchronous read was interrupted.
2113 No prior pipe descriptor to be reused.
2116 Row not found.
2117 Duplicate key found.
2118 End of table encountered.
2119 Lock request timed out.
2120 Foreign key constraint violation.
2121 Object not found.
2122 Unknown read error.
2123 Create index failed due to duplicate key.

End of change
API introduced: V6R1 with PTF

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