qkrb_build_spnego_target_token()--Build a SPNEGO Target Token

 #include <qkrbspnego.h>

 OM_uint32 qkrb_build_spnego_target_token(
     gss_buffer_desc    * negotiation_result,
     gss_OID_desc       * supported_mechanism,
     gss_buffer_desc    * response_token,
     gss_buffer_desc    * mechanism_list_mic,
     OM_uint32            format_type, 
     gss_buffer_desc    * target_response_token); 
  Service Program Name: QSYS/QKRBSPNEGO
  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The qkrb_build_spnego_target_token() builds a Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation (SPNEGO) Target Token and returns the results to the caller.


No authorities are required.


negotiation_result  (Input)
Result of the SPNEGO negotiation exchange, specified by the target. Possible values are:

GSS_SPNEGO_ACCEPT_COMPLETED (0x00) The target accepts the preferred security mechanism, and the context is established for the mechanism.
GSS_SPNEGO_ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE (0x01) The target accepts one of the proposed security mechanisms and further exchanges are necessary.
GSS_SPNEGO_REJECTED (0x02) The target rejects all the proposed security mechanisms.

supported_mechanism  (Input)
The supported mechanism to be added to the target token. Specify GSS_C_NO_BUFFER if there is no supported mechanism.
response_token  (Input)
The response token to be added to the target token. Specify GSS_C_NO_BUFFER if there is no response token.
mechanism_list_mic  (Input)
The mechanism list MIC to be added to the target token. Specify GSS_C_NO_BUFFER if there is no mechanism list MIC.
format_type  (Input)
The format to follow when building the SPNEGO token. Possible values are:
GSS_SPNEGO_FORMAT_0 (0) The format of the SPNEGO token built follows the syntax defined in RFC 2478.
GSS_SPNEGO_FORMAT_1 (1) The format of the SPNEGO token built follows the syntax defined in RFC 2478 with one exception. The mechanism_list_mic is sent as SEQUENCE/GENERAL_STRING.
target_response_token  (Output)
The target token built from the input information. The application should release the target token when it is no longer needed by calling the gss_release_buffer() routine.

Return Value

The return value is one of the following status codes:

The routine completed successfully.

The routine failed for unexpected reasons. Check the joblog for errors.

Memory allocation failed.

Related Information

For a description of the SPNEGO protocol, see RFC 2478 on the RFC PagesLink outside information center for The Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism.

API introduced: V5R4

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