ldap_explode_rdn()--Break a Relative Distinguished Name into Its Components

 #include <ldap.h>
 char **ldap_explode_rdn(
                const char  *rdn,
                int          notypes)

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Library Name/Service Program: QSYS/QGLDCLNT

  Threadsafe: Yes

The ldap_explode_rdn() function uses the relative distinguished name (RDN) in the local CCSID (as returned by ldap_explode_dn(), for example) and breaks it up into its component parts. If the RDN is in UTF8, use ldap_explode_rdn_utf8().

ldap_explode_rdn() returns a NULL-terminated array of character strings. The notypes parameter is used to request that only the component values be returned, not their types.

For example, the RDN "ou=Research+cn=Bob" would return as either {"ou=Research", "cn=Bob", NULL} or {"Research","Bob", NULL}, depending on whether notypes was 0 or 1, respectively. The result can be freed by calling ldap_value_free().

Authorities and Locks

No IBM® i authority is required.


(Input) Specifies the RDN to be exploded (perhaps as returned by ldap_explode_dn()). Multiple RDNs can be concatenated using a plus sign ('+').
(Input) Specifies if type information is to be returned with each RDN. If non-zero, the type information will be stripped. If zero, the type information is retained. For example, setting notypes to 1 would result in the RDN "cn=Fido" being returned as "Fido".

Return Value

Components of Relative Distinguished Name (RDN)
if the request was successful.

if the request was not successful.

Error Conditions

If ldap_explode_rdn() is not successful, then there was no memory available for either the array or its component parts.

Error Messages

The following message may be sent from this function.

Message ID Error Message Text
CPF3CF2 E Error(s) occurred during running of ldap_explode_rdn API.

Related Information

API introduced: V4R5

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