ldap_create_page_control()--Create a Paged Results Control used when paging search results

 #include <ldap.h>
 int ldap_create_page_control(
              LDAP          *ld,
              unsigned long pageSize,
              struct berval *cookie,
              const char    isCritical,
              LDAPControl   **control)

  Library Name/Service Program: QSYS/QGLDCLNT

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The ldap_create_page_control() function is used to create a paged results control used when paging search results.

See LDAP Paged Search Results for usage information about the functions used to perform paging of entries returned from the server following an LDAP search operation.

Note: cookie and control must be freed by the caller.

Authorities and Locks

No IBM® i authority is required. All authority checking is done by the LDAP server.


(Input) Specifies the LDAP pointer returned by previous call to ldap_init(), ldap_ssl_init() or ldap_open(). Must not be NULL.

(Input) Specifies the number of entries to be returned for this paged results search result.

(Input) For the first call to ldap_create_page_control() for a particular paged search, cookie should be set to NULL. On subsequent calls to ldap_create_page_control() for a particular paged search, cookie should be set by the preceeding call to ldap_parse_page_control(). See the example at LDAP Paged Results.

(Input) Specifies the criticality of paged results on the search. This determines what happens when the server does not support paged results. If the criticality is set to TRUE ('T') and the server does not support paged results, then the search does not continue. However, if the criticality is set to FALSE ('F') the search will continue without paged results.

(Output) Specifies the result parameter that is filled in with an allocated array of one control for the paging function. The control must be freed by calling ldap_control_free().

Return Value

if successful.
if memory cannot be acquired.
if ld or control is NULL.


The following example uses ldap_create_page_control() and ldap_parse_page_control() to perform an LDAP sorted search.

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

/* File Name:   LDAPPageS.c                                            */
/*                                                                     */
/* Description: An example on how to perform an LDAP Paged Search      */
/* using the following APIs                                            */
/*    - ldap_create_page_control()                                     */
/*    - ldap_parse_page_control()                                      */
/*                                                                     */
/* How to compile:                                                     */
/*  Assuming the C source for LDAPPageS.c has been downloaded into     */
/*  a source physical file MyLDAPLib/QCSRC (with record length of at   */
/*  least 146 characters) as member LDAPPageS on a System i® platform, */
/*  program LDAPPageS (*PGM) can be built via the following commands:  */
/*                                                                     */
/*  CRTCMOD MODULE(MyLDAPLib/LDAPPageS)                                */
/*          SRCFILE(MyLDAPLib/QCSRC)                                   */
/*                                                                     */
/*  CRTPGM PGM(MyLDAPLib/LDAPPageS)                                    */
/*         MODULE(MyLDAPLib/LDAPPageS)                                 */
/*         BNDSRVPGM(QSYS/QGLDCLNT QSYS/QGLDBRDR)                      */
/*                                                                     */
/* Usage:                                                              */
/* The input parameters are as follows:                                */
/*   argv[1] = Search base                                             */
/*   argv[2] = filter                                                  */
/*   argv[3] = search scope (0=base, 1=onelevel, OR 2=subtree)         */
/*   argv[4] = Page size                                               */
/*                                                                     */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ldap.h>
#include <lber.h>

static char ibmid[] = "Copyright IBM Corporation 2003 LICENSED MATERIAL - PROGRAM PROPERTY OF IBM";
#define         BIND_DN "cn=administrator"
#define         BIND_PW "adminpwd"

char             *server, *base, *filter, *scopes[] = { "BASE", "ONELEVEL", "SUBTREE" };
int              scope;
LDAP             *ld;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int            l_rc, l_entries, l_port, l_entry_count=0, morePages, l_errcode=0, page_nbr;
    unsigned long  pageSize;
    struct berval  *cookie=NULL;
    char           pagingCriticality = 'T', *l_dn;
    unsigned long  totalCount;
    LDAPControl    *pageControl=NULL, *M_controls[2] = { NULL, NULL }, **returnedControls = NULL;
    LDAPMessage    *l_result, *l_entry;

   /* Check input parameters                                         */
   /*                                                                */
   if (argc < 5)
      printf("The input parameters are as follows:\n");
      printf("     1. Search base\n");
      printf("     2. Filter\n");
      printf("     3. Search Scope (0=base, 1=onelevel, OR 2=subtree)\n");
      printf("     4. Page size\n");
   return 0;
   /*                                                                */

   /* Set default values: Server and Port. And then parse            */
   /* input parameters into program variables                        */
   /*                                                                */
   server = NULL;
   l_port   = LDAP_PORT;

   base   = argv[1];
   filter = argv[2];
   scope  = atoi(argv[3]);
   pageSize = atoi(argv[4]);
   /*                                                                */

   /* Initialize an LDAP session                                     */
   /*                                                                */     
   ld = ldap_init(server, l_port);
   /* Check if connection is OK                                      */
   if (ld == NULL)
      printf("  Init of server %s at port %d failed.\n", server, l_port);
      return 0;
   /*                                                                */

   /* Bind as the ldap administrator                                 */
   /*                                                                */
   l_rc = ldap_simple_bind_s (ld, BIND_DN , BIND_PW);
   if ( l_rc != LDAP_SUCCESS)
      printf("==Error== %s");
      printf("  Unable to Bind to the LDAP server.  Return code is %d.\n", l_rc);
      return 0;
   /*                                                                */

   printf("  The search parms were:\n");
   printf("        base: %s\n",base);
   printf("       scope: %s\n",scopes[scope]);
   printf("      filter: %s\n",filter);
   printf("   page size: %d\n",pageSize);
   printf("  The entries returned were:\n");
   page_nbr = 1;

   /* Get one page of the returned results each time                 */
   /* through the loop                                               */
      l_rc = ldap_create_page_control(ld, pageSize, cookie, pagingCriticality, &pageControl);

      /* Insert the control into a list to be passed to the search.     */
      M_controls[0] = pageControl;

      /* Search for entries in the directory using the parmeters.       */
      l_rc = ldap_search_ext_s(ld, base, scope, filter, NULL, 0, M_controls, NULL, NULL, 0, &l_result);
      if ((l_rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) & (l_rc != LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS))
         printf("  Failure during a search.  Return code is %d.\n",l_rc);

      /* Parse the results to retrieve the contols being returned.      */
      l_rc = ldap_parse_result(ld, l_result, &l_errcode, NULL, NULL, NULL, &returnedControls, LDAP_FALSE);

      if (cookie != NULL)
         cookie = NULL;

      /* Parse the page control returned to get the cookie and          */
      /* determine whether there are more pages.                        */
      l_rc = ldap_parse_page_control(ld, returnedControls, &totalCount, &cookie);

      /* Determine if the cookie is not empty, indicating there are more pages */
      /* for these search parameters. */
      if (cookie && cookie->bv_val != NULL && (strlen(cookie->bv_val) > 0))
         morePages = LDAP_TRUE;
         morePages = LDAP_FALSE;

      /* Cleanup the controls used. */
      if (returnedControls != NULL)
         returnedControls = NULL;
      M_controls[0] = NULL;
      pageControl = NULL;

      /* Disply the returned result                                     */
      /*                                                                */
      /* Determine how many entries have been found.                    */
      if (morePages == LDAP_TRUE) 
         printf("===== Page : %d =====\n", page_nbr);
      l_entries = ldap_count_entries(ld, l_result);
      if (l_entries > 0)
         l_entry_count = l_entry_count + l_entries;

      for ( l_entry = ldap_first_entry(ld, l_result);
            l_entry != NULL;
            l_entry = ldap_next_entry(ld, l_entry) )
         l_dn = ldap_get_dn(ld, l_entry);
         printf("    %s\n",l_dn);

      /* Free the search results.                                       */
      page_nbr = page_nbr + 1;

   } while (morePages == LDAP_TRUE);

   printf("\n  %d entries found during the search",l_entry_count);
   /* Free the cookie since all the pages for these search parameters   */
   /* have been retrieved.                                              */
   cookie = NULL;

   /* Close the LDAP session.                                           */

   return 0;

Related Information

API introduced: V5R3

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